WIP Another Life Guard jaeger


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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2017
Hi all.
Another one of my protracted work: this time a non-commissioned officer of the Jaeger team of the Life Guards Semenovsky Regiment in 1/30 scale (54 mm).
The work hasn't been completed yet. And although the idea was first formed almost three years ago in the form of a sketch and a carcass of a figurine, the main work on it began only this year. The general appearance of the character's uniform should be the same as in the third image.
01.jpg rusw_jag2_001_(makepose_01).jpg фон Люде 03.jpg

I made guns for 4 figures at once, two years ago. For the rifled gun that this jaeger uses, the barrel was made faceted.
guns_01_barrels_01.jpg guns_03_wip_11.jpg

At the same time, I made semimanufactures heads for few figurines.
heads_01_02.jpg heads_01_03.jpg

My next return to work on this figurine was a year and a half ago, then I managed to just add some details for the head.

And only this year the main modeling of the figurine began. As always, I start with shoes. After that, I sculpt the main volume of the pants, gradually transferring work on the jacket.
rusw_jag2_005_(pants_02).jpg rusw_jag2_005_(pants_01).jpg

To sculpt a coat, it was necessary to make a bayonet-dagger.
rusw_jag2_003_(kortik_04).jpg rusw_jag2_003_(kortik_05).jpg

With the sculpted coat, the figurine looks more or less finished, but in fact there is still quite a lot of work to be done.
rusw_jag2_006_(coat_01).jpg rusw_jag2_006_(coat_02).jpg rusw_jag2_006_(coat_03).jpg

To be continued...
Your works are always a great pleasure to behold.This WIP is absolutely great.Post as many pics as possible please and give us the story behind it as I know you are an authoritative source on all aspects of the Russian Armies of the past.

Your works are always a great pleasure to behold.This WIP is absolutely great.Post as many pics as possible please and give us the story behind it as I know you are an authoritative source on all aspects of the Russian Armies of the past.
Thanks for the kind words.

You exaggerate a little my merits in knowledge about the uniform of the Russian army: in fact, I use the knowledge that other people before me found in archives, museums and documents, and grouped in their works by other researchers on the topic of historical Russian costume, and I know only a small part information on some periods of history, nothing more.

In the near future, I can not print large texts with descriptions, because besides the fact that, as always, I have a language barrier that complicates the work with texts, there is also a problem with the keyboard, which breaks down - it prints a lot of extra characters and / or vice versa does not print. As a result, each word has to be corrected, which takes dozens times more time than just typing. So while the information will be very decreased.
Minor update.

Previously, the tails for the coat were already mostly sculpted by me, but they were of different lengths, so an adjustment was required, and they also did not have wrinkles, especially from the inside, where they are almost invisible, but still visible. There are many coats with photos of the inside of the tails, and they look about the same as in this photo, which I tried to depict in miniature.
кафтан унтер-офицера Лейб-гвардии Преображенского полка на (1780-1790-е гг).jpg
At the same time I made a swordknot for the bayonet-sword.
rusw_jag2_008_(tails_01).jpg rusw_jag2_008_(tails_02).jpg

And then I made a mistake (at least I think so): I undertook to sculpt an epaulette, and as a model I used the appearance from a fragment of a portrait of a corporal of the Semenovsky regiment, what I need is the regiment I need, and the desired rank, i.e. non-commissioned officer rank. But I didn’t pay attention that this was until the mid-80s, no later, and my figurine was at the end of the 80s and up to 1796.
эполет у.-оф. Семеновского полка (капрал) 001 (1763-1780-е гг).jpg
In general, at first I made such an epaulette - something similar to the one in the portrait fragment above.

But it should be something like this
эполет у.-оф. Семеновского полка (сержант) (1790-е гг) 002.jpg
- and this is also a non-commissioned officer's epaulette (sergeant in this case: non-commissioned officer ranks at that time differed in the number of galloons on the cuffs of the sleeves), and also the Semenovsky regiment, but for the 1790s, just that what needed to be done. We'll have to slightly alter the epaulet.

That's all for now. To be continued...
Every post of yours is a lesson in history and in uniformology besides being extremely interesting as a modeling topic.

Today I remodeled the epaulette.

And I also repaired some cracks, corrected all sorts of little things, completed the cuffs and galloons, thus making this soldier a corporal. And, unexpectedly, completely finished the figure.
While two photos of the whole figure are assembled, the final photos from many angles, I will probably do tomorrow, or even later.
rusw_jag2_010_(view_01).jpg rusw_jag2_010_(view_02).jpg
Absolutely top notch.Now let's hope someone will release it as a commercial piece.Svt keep those exceptional tutorials and WIPs coming.I totally love them.

Absolutely top notch.Now let's hope someone will release it as a commercial piece.Svt keep those exceptional tutorials and WIPs coming.I totally love them.

Thank you.
It will be in commercial release.