A Fixture
5 new releases from Ant Miniatures
Ant Miniatures website - click here
54mm White metal
#54-65 - Buglar, 48th Line Inf. Regt, France 1812
#54-66 - Drummer, 48th Line Inf. Regt, France 1812
#54-67 - Senior Trumpeter, 1st or snd Carabinier Regt, France 1810
#54-68 - Sgt Grenadier, 48th Line Inf. Regt, France 1812
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All 54mm figures sculpted by S. Sheraturov and painted by M Verbizkaja
120mm white metal
#120-51 - Officer, Anti-terrorism Squad Group "A" of FSB
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Ant Miniatures website - click here
54mm White metal
#54-65 - Buglar, 48th Line Inf. Regt, France 1812
#54-66 - Drummer, 48th Line Inf. Regt, France 1812
#54-67 - Senior Trumpeter, 1st or snd Carabinier Regt, France 1810
#54-68 - Sgt Grenadier, 48th Line Inf. Regt, France 1812
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All 54mm figures sculpted by S. Sheraturov and painted by M Verbizkaja
120mm white metal
#120-51 - Officer, Anti-terrorism Squad Group "A" of FSB
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