Hi to one and all,
For this review we are going to the future with Nuts Planet and their Ghost Company series and something new for the series ...a bust
With this release we are propelled to the futuristic world where the enemy's of the state are robots , super intelligence robots at that , the only way they can be controlled is by hiring mercenaries , ruthless and rugged killers , armored to the hilt, ard fighting and feeling nothing when the remains of the so called elite race of robotics are nothing but a pile of metal and wiring.
The release was announced by Nuts Planet here and of course on FB etc
the model has been sculpted and painted for the box art by someone whose work we have seen before , he has a good grasp of the subject allowing his imagination to reflect in the sculpting itself .....both in material and flesh work .
Details of the release are:
Title: Anti Robot Squad Sergeant
Reference: GCB001
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Gray Resin
No of Parts: 13
Sculptor: Ki Yeol Yoon
Box Art: Ki Yeol Yoon
When I received the review item I was surprised at the actual weight of the box unopened and on opening I found out why ...its packed full of resin
As with all Nuts planet releases its in the blue box with first class packaging , thick foam layers , excellent colour pictures on both the box top and one of the longer edges.

Parts consist of the main body, head, left arm , right upper arm , the forearm , hand , additional armour plates x 3 , a hose , , weapon "blade" a cigar, and a base
First impressions are that its similar to the great sculpt of the blacksmith by the sadly missed Greeny Ahn , must be the bulk of it and the beard ...no matter as its a pleasure to compare this to that out of my respect for Greeny Ahn.
The whole piece "ooozes" power and strength , our Sgt has a rather lethal looking weapon casually resting on his shoulder , covered in armour , a robotic right arm with a cigar in his lips ..perhaps enjoying what peace he can get before the next meeting with the state's opposition
This is not going to cause any issues , any casting remnants are well placed for ease of removal by careful cutting and sanding , the base will need a sanding on the underside, there is a fine casting line on the torso sides and the top and bottom of the weapon ......easy to remove .
Main Torso
The largest of the pieces of course , the body is encased in heavy armour strapped to the body , front and back , the whole sculpts is angular and with excellent undercuts everywhere , no miscasting with great definition on the edges and straps also being nicely worked ..
Across his back we have a piece of equipment that provides power for his right arm , well sculpted
The neck area is really well cast , not a blemish could be found , all ready to take the head itself by using the cut outs .
This is a wonderful piece of sculpting , very powerful and full of details , great hair textures , well formed facial features ...a painters dream to be honest , strong neck muscles , on his head we have a set of goggles the strap pulling into the head with hair strands falling over the edges .
Needless to say fit is spot on

The left is finished at just below the elbow , very cleanly done , again on the arm we have armour , elbow armour with the straps again being really sharp in definition and almost looking like you could undo them!!! , the surfaces are smooth ( as was the torso)
The right arm consists of 3 piece upper and lower arms , hand , the upper part again is armored , with hydraulic points , pistons and everything else that's needed .
There is a fitment point for the hose , this joins up with the position on the torso ( easy to see in the pictures.

The hand is a large powerful robotic version with the fingers all having individual joints , armored on the finger tops and outer hand , gripping the weapon handle with determination and with meaning .

Additional Amour
Smaller pieces fitting one on the shoulder the others on the hand , fit is accurate with the surfaces being of the same high quality , wonderfully smooth

A simple shaped tube carrying vital fluids to his arm from the reservoir on his back ., easy to fit and adding a bit more interest
Cigar fits nicely into his mouth

The weapon is a heavy bladed piece , well shaped with a blood channel running up the middle , fit to the handle in the actual hand is good

In keeping with the subject the base is angular again not a blemish , the top fits to the underside of the toso ...pin it its supporting a lot of resin.

Final Thought
Without doubt the addition of a bust is a good move , the whole thing screams quality at your reviewer , surfaces are super smooth , well sculpted and with a face that again is a painters dream .
This is an imposing lot of resin as a bust and you certainly get your moneys worth ...I can only imagine it as a full figure on a debris strewn base.
A piece of resin that will be welcomed by those modellers that like this sort of subject , painters can go wild with logos ( just look at the box art and pictures below ).
Very highly recommended
Thanks to NutsPlanet for the Review model and I look forward to sharing more with you very soon
For more information on this and all the products from Nuts :
For this review we are going to the future with Nuts Planet and their Ghost Company series and something new for the series ...a bust

With this release we are propelled to the futuristic world where the enemy's of the state are robots , super intelligence robots at that , the only way they can be controlled is by hiring mercenaries , ruthless and rugged killers , armored to the hilt, ard fighting and feeling nothing when the remains of the so called elite race of robotics are nothing but a pile of metal and wiring.
The release was announced by Nuts Planet here and of course on FB etc
the model has been sculpted and painted for the box art by someone whose work we have seen before , he has a good grasp of the subject allowing his imagination to reflect in the sculpting itself .....both in material and flesh work .
Details of the release are:
Title: Anti Robot Squad Sergeant
Reference: GCB001
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Gray Resin
No of Parts: 13
Sculptor: Ki Yeol Yoon
Box Art: Ki Yeol Yoon
When I received the review item I was surprised at the actual weight of the box unopened and on opening I found out why ...its packed full of resin
As with all Nuts planet releases its in the blue box with first class packaging , thick foam layers , excellent colour pictures on both the box top and one of the longer edges.

Parts consist of the main body, head, left arm , right upper arm , the forearm , hand , additional armour plates x 3 , a hose , , weapon "blade" a cigar, and a base

First impressions are that its similar to the great sculpt of the blacksmith by the sadly missed Greeny Ahn , must be the bulk of it and the beard ...no matter as its a pleasure to compare this to that out of my respect for Greeny Ahn.
The whole piece "ooozes" power and strength , our Sgt has a rather lethal looking weapon casually resting on his shoulder , covered in armour , a robotic right arm with a cigar in his lips ..perhaps enjoying what peace he can get before the next meeting with the state's opposition
This is not going to cause any issues , any casting remnants are well placed for ease of removal by careful cutting and sanding , the base will need a sanding on the underside, there is a fine casting line on the torso sides and the top and bottom of the weapon ......easy to remove .
Main Torso
The largest of the pieces of course , the body is encased in heavy armour strapped to the body , front and back , the whole sculpts is angular and with excellent undercuts everywhere , no miscasting with great definition on the edges and straps also being nicely worked ..
Across his back we have a piece of equipment that provides power for his right arm , well sculpted
The neck area is really well cast , not a blemish could be found , all ready to take the head itself by using the cut outs .

This is a wonderful piece of sculpting , very powerful and full of details , great hair textures , well formed facial features ...a painters dream to be honest , strong neck muscles , on his head we have a set of goggles the strap pulling into the head with hair strands falling over the edges .
Needless to say fit is spot on

The left is finished at just below the elbow , very cleanly done , again on the arm we have armour , elbow armour with the straps again being really sharp in definition and almost looking like you could undo them!!! , the surfaces are smooth ( as was the torso)
The right arm consists of 3 piece upper and lower arms , hand , the upper part again is armored , with hydraulic points , pistons and everything else that's needed .
There is a fitment point for the hose , this joins up with the position on the torso ( easy to see in the pictures.

The hand is a large powerful robotic version with the fingers all having individual joints , armored on the finger tops and outer hand , gripping the weapon handle with determination and with meaning .

Additional Amour
Smaller pieces fitting one on the shoulder the others on the hand , fit is accurate with the surfaces being of the same high quality , wonderfully smooth

A simple shaped tube carrying vital fluids to his arm from the reservoir on his back ., easy to fit and adding a bit more interest
Cigar fits nicely into his mouth

The weapon is a heavy bladed piece , well shaped with a blood channel running up the middle , fit to the handle in the actual hand is good

In keeping with the subject the base is angular again not a blemish , the top fits to the underside of the toso ...pin it its supporting a lot of resin.

Final Thought
Without doubt the addition of a bust is a good move , the whole thing screams quality at your reviewer , surfaces are super smooth , well sculpted and with a face that again is a painters dream .
This is an imposing lot of resin as a bust and you certainly get your moneys worth ...I can only imagine it as a full figure on a debris strewn base.
A piece of resin that will be welcomed by those modellers that like this sort of subject , painters can go wild with logos ( just look at the box art and pictures below ).
Very highly recommended
Thanks to NutsPlanet for the Review model and I look forward to sharing more with you very soon
For more information on this and all the products from Nuts :