Review Anubis from Omen Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to you all

I have recently received this from Hugo ( he of RP fame ) who set up OMEN MINIATURES to enter a world we have seen in Egyptian depictions in tombs ...that of the gods

Here is the link to Omen's original announcement

This piece has been available a little while ( from SK Miniatures and others etc in the UK ) and we have seen several pieces painted up here on PF as well as on social media

Which you can see here on PF threads by Franck Edet by Steve Brodie

Anubis is seen carrying a crook and a Ankh ( = key of life ) these are included in the piece

aaa.pngaa.jpg aaaa.jpgomen.jpg
oMEN 1.jpg

Details of the release are

Title: Anubis V bust ( Battle of Gods )

Reference: N/A

Scale: 1/12th

Material: Light Gray Resin

No of parts: 7 and insert

Sculptor: 3D

Casting YS Castings ( Yiannis )

Box Art: 3D

Couple of pictures from Omen


The release was received well packed in a black box with a black slip over cover ....all very sinister looking ...ideal for the release , the pieces was very well packed in a tight clear bag and surrounded by a mass of bubble wrap ( this is good to see such care as there are 2 very prominant ears on the piece which could easily be damaged )

On closer inspection the piece hanging over at the lower back must have snapped off as it had been stuck , you can see the repair carried out ...but with a little bit of sanding this can be sorted quickly

RP Anubis 002.jpg
RP Anubis 001.jpg
RP Anubis 003.jpg

At the bottom of the box the insert was found

RP Anubis 006.jpgRP Anubis 005.jpg

Parts consist of Main Torso, 2 pieces of a cloak , 2 side pieces ( at head ) the crook and the Ankh and of course the insert

RP Anubis 004.jpg


Very little to say ...remove the casting remnant from the underside of torso , fit cloak and side pieces , slight sanding around the crook and Ankh and fit

General comments
  • Casting quality very high
  • Quality resin used
  • Sharp definition
  • Textures

Continued in next post

Lets look at the resin

Main Torso

Consisting of the head turned to the left , the cast flows well running at the lower edge

The detail work on the shoulder area is really good and again like the RP releases ..there are textures everywhere , on the belts and the cord around the neck

There is also stitching and designs all very sharply cast

The head is another really fine area for textures the skin is excellent , good work on the nose and the eyes look beady and very sinister even unpainted !!

The ears are a triumph in both casting and shaping

At the head sides a cutout for the small attachments , at the rear 3 cutouts the larger 2 for fitting the cloak pieces the smaller one being for the crook , at the lower front a cutout for the Ankh

The underside is scooped out and looks cleanly shaped

RP Anubis 007.jpg
RP Anubis 008.jpgRP Anubis 009.jpgRP Anubis 010.jpg

RP Anubis 011.jpgRP Anubis 012.jpgRP Anubis 013.jpg

RP Anubis 014.jpgRP Anubis 015.jpgRP Anubis 016.jpg

RP Anubis 019.jpgRP Anubis 020.jpg

RP Anubis 017.jpgRP Anubis 018.jpgRP Anubis 021.jpg


Consisting of 2 separate pieces both with a circular securing brooch , displaying a design

Textures are very nicely done on both and in position they look good and doe not dominate the built piece

RP Anubis 022.jpgRP Anubis 023.jpg

Side head pieces

RP Anubis 024.jpg

Sitting naturally one on each side (dry fit to ensure correct one ) , the strapping has texture on it


RP Anubis 025.jpg

RP Anubis 026.jpgRP Anubis 027.jpg

This is a interesting item , often seen in tomb pictures carried not only by Anubis but also by the kings and queens of Egypt

The rounded top has individual sections all well defined , the handle itself is wrapped in a material but could easily be painted leather ....needless to say texture work is all evident , at the top of the handle a wrap around piece that has been sown into place by very cleanly ties ....again textures to enjoy


The symbol/key of life and as the crook seen in wall paintings , statues, and many other area's

The design is spot on well cast with some really good designs on it , at the top the end of the neck rope ...again good texture and fitting easily in position at the front

RP Anubis 028.jpg

Final Thoughts

A new venture for Hugo and the team and a welcome one giving something different to the modeller , there are more planned for the future but in the meantime traet yourself and have agreat time with no restrictions on your version


I suggest that you contact Hugo via these links as well as

[email protected]

or you can contact Hugo via this site

Thank you for looking in on this little write up hope you found it of use and interest

Nice review on this one Nap. It looks really good and from all the painted versions I've seen it seems to be popular which is great.

Hello my GOOD FRIEND Kevin

Im so sorry my friend for didnt said nothing before but infortunally Im doing almost the double of shifts in the hospital. We are living dark moments in this moment, but the worst are coming...

Thank you so much for this review... Truly preciated...

Thank you so much.
Big hug
Hello my GOOD FRIEND Kevin

Im so sorry my friend for didnt said nothing before but infortunally Im doing almost the double of shifts in the hospital. We are living dark moments in this moment, but the worst are coming...

Thank you so much for this review... Truly preciated...

Thank you so much.
Big hug



Big hugs my friend


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