Onto the resin itself
Details of the release from Altores
Title: Archer
Reference: B-039
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Gray Resin
No of parts: 8
Sculptor: Alexander Deryabin ( PF member zippo)
Box Art: N/A
The piece has a fantasy feel to it for sure but no pointed ears are visible !!!
On the box top we have a unpainted version of the contents with the Altores " yellow" text

As with all the Altores releases they are received in a strong cardboard box with the parts in bags and sandwiched between foam layers with the parts consisting of the upper torso , lower part (thighs) ,2 arms , a bow (with hand) , the quiver , a arrow and a strap end , no base is included.
Upper Torso....Sanding needed on inside of hood and left front side and underneath torso , remove fine casting lines on both sides at middle and on left upper arm
Lower torso....Sand off excess resin from underneath and fit to upper .
Arms....Remove casting line on wrist protector , general sanding on arms and fingers of right hand to smooth off fine casting lines
Bow...Remove casting post from top , slight sanding on hand and inner of actual bow.
Arrow/strap ...Cut off casting post and fit in place ( check arm position first ) , cutt off post on strap and fit
General comments
Prep is required but its only minimal
The hood is very thinly cast so be careful
You will need to fit a bow string if you wish to do so
This is IMO a small 1/10th , closer to larger 1/12th
All parts fit together with no filler needed
This is a 3/4 figure but the option of leaving off the lower torso , I can also see legs being added by modellers.
Upper Torso
Sculpted with a hooded garment , this being worn over her head , sitting nicely onto the shoulders in drapes and folds , the hood itself is well sculpted and well cast with really good undercuts , folds are natural and look good.

Across her front there is a strap for the quiver , sitting rather tastefully in between her breasts , the strapping has a texture on it , nice simple belt buckle , the belt is pulling on the material making her very attractive female form more noticeable ( cough cough!!) , the whole of the garment has folds that have been clearly researched by Alexander when sculpting so nice on there .
Arms are cut just below the shoulder with good locating holes for the arms themselves
At the waist there is a nice bit of detail on the belt studded all the way round in flower type shapes , all are really well done .
The face ...one word really ..pretty .......features are delicate though not goddess like , the nose , pointed is full at the lower nostrils visible and with the lips being full and together and well shaped , the eyes are full in shape and wide , upper and lower lids are sculpted with the upper slightly more noticeable for the eyelashes I presume.

The hair is long and well kept , pulled back at the sides revealing her face to its full advantage , the ends flowing down inside the hood , all the texture features are very good , the strands being nicely shaped where they fall to the body with the neck being long and thin
This is a piece I would love to see Pepa Saavedra and Anastaysia paint up .
Lower Torso
This is the upper thighs , the left leg forward in agreement with the pose , the clothing is away from the thigh and falling very well inbetween her legs , needless to say the folds are continued to be sculpted in a really fine way , these are noticed at the back where the body form is more than noticed.

Firstly the fit is excellent , no filler needed , both upper arms are sleeved to above the elbow with a really good armlet ( metallic band ) at the top , well sculpted with nicely defined decoration in the form of laurel leaves .

The left also has a wrist protector , nice work on the retaining straps , there is only a hand on the right side , the finger details are good and thankfully quite female in form , nails are sculpted , the hand is inthe position of taking the arrow from the quiver .

This has been sculpted with the hand in place resulting in it looking like the subject is gripping the bow , same good finger details , under her hand we have a central band which has some good cording holding it in place .
The bow itself is a really nice shape not pulled back or strained , the shape is most pleasing to the eye , no bow string but there are cutouts to fit one , fit of the hand to the arm is accurate and easy ..I would suggest pinning as well .

This is shaped as you can see with decoration worked into the edges , I would have liked perhaps to see more arrows inside .
On the rear we have the locating plug which sits well into the cutout of the upper torso at the back , and there is also a edged cutout at the lower edge of the quiver to fit the strap to

The arrow displays nice feathering , you will I suggest need to drill the quiver to fit , but do check the position of the hand as well .

The strap will need to be fitted , I would suggest sanding down the edge to fit to the torsostrap end the other end fits to the cutout on the quiver ...if you loose this piece to the carpet monster ..easy to replace using putty of lead sheeting .
Final Thoughts
This is the first fantasy type bust and first female that Altores have released and as such is breaking new ground for them , its worked well , the piece has a real charm about it , lots of painting options especially on the clothing ..perhaps see through ....displayed moving through water or a swamp taking the arrow out ready to strike .
A good subject for those modellers that prefer fantasy and a challenge of painting female flesh ..Recommended
Altores are busy and I will be sharing both new and past releases with you all so stay tuned in .
For more details on this and others in the series why not visit the website at:
Of course they are members here and on Social media as well
Thanks to Altores for the review piece and to you all for looking in
Happy bench time to all of you