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Dec 8, 2007
Grande Prairie, Alberta
I was wondering how you professionals :D paint armour on the figures.
The Praetorian guard that I have from Andrea Miniatures has a breastplate, helm and a shield. I figured that the shield I would paint in red, but not sure as to the armour.

Note-I'm used to using acrylic gaming paints such as Games Workshop and Vallejo Game colors but am looking to use oils.
This is how I paint my armour on figures, you can see my progress on my Sicilian Hoplite i'm currently paintin'.
I use Vallejo alcohol based metallics, the reason bein' is that they look like the real thing and have a real fine pigment. I consider them to be the best paint out there for metallics. The dogs *ollocks basically!
Next I use Tamiya X-19 Smoke thinned 50/ 50 with Tamiya's acrylic thinner X-20A, and this mix is used as a wash. You can try a 60/ 40 mix respectively for a more opaque effect.
After this has been applied let it dry and apply another coat if need be. Then you need to apply a matt varnish 'cos X-19 is a gloss paint.
After this you may want to shade further the deepest recesses with some oils, if so do it after the application of varnish.

Tamiya X-19 will always give a beautiful smooth transition as a wash, without leavin' any hard edges, most important.
Paul, I started using Citadel Acrylics metalics, because I though that what you were using and really like the effect, and I am having fantastic results, ONLY to find out you use Vallejo alchohol metallics and Tamiya :(
Matt, Citadel metallics are awesome paints. I use 'em too, 'cos of they're fine pigment. They're really nice to semi - drybrush with too, givin' superb results 'cos they're shades support each other colour. And when you mix flat paint in with 'em, like a matt black or a very dark brown, oh man they're so good, and will always retain they're metallic nature.

Citadel metallics are what I used on my Ancient Celt figure.
This how i paint metals with oils. (in the urly days, today i use Model Master chroom, steel and buff them)
First i start with a mix off printers ink silver and ivory black.
I paint all the metal. After drying i shade with ivory black. Highlight with more printers ink, and the high-highlight with pure printers ink.
When all is very dry (after a week) i wash with raw umber, and give here and there a tiny dot off burnt umber for replicating rust.

I was wondering how you professionals :D paint armour on the figures.
There are a lot of different methods for tackling plate armour, some of them tied to style/personal preference with regard to the finished appearance - from a heavily-oxidised finish, nearly black, that some people aim for to something much more shiny, and everything in between.

Painting isn't the only option with a metal kit, for a long time some people have used the polished metal to represent steel or iron, with or without some glazes to modify the colour and/or add shading.

Some prior threads:

The Praetorian guard that I have from Andrea Miniatures has a breastplate, helm and a shield. I figured that the shield I would paint in red, but not sure as to the armour.
As this is effectively a parade figure I would personally aim for a polished finish as anything else just wouldn't be likely - even on campaign Roman legionnaires were required to keep their kit in good condition, which included regular removal of any surface rust.

Incidentally, with the shield aim for one of two things: a vermilion red or something a lot duller, a red earth colour like Red Oxide or Light Red.


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