2020 Atlanta Model Figure Show
It is almost the New Year, and, hobby wise, I can't think of a better way to start things off than by making plans to attend the 2020 Atlanta Model Figure Show. The dates for the 2020 Show are February 21st, 22nd and 23rd, 2020. Once again we will hold the event at the Atlanta Hilton/Marietta Conference Center. This beautiful venue is located at 500 Powder Springs Street, Marietta, Georgia 30064.
The Conference Center is currently accepting reservations for the 2020 Show and are offering a special show rate of $121 per night. Reservations may be made either online at the AMFS web page (www.atlantafigures.org) or direct contact with the hotel at 888 685 - 2500, be sure and mention the Show if calling. The hotel has placed a cut-off date for reservations on February 5th, 2020. You must make your reservations before this date to receive the Show room rate. After this date, room rates and even availability are not guaranteed.
For the 2020 Show we have invited the Artist's Preservation Group to become part of the "goings on" and they have responded with a full slate of happenings to further enhance your enjoyment of the weekend. Also, as has become part of the Atlanta Show, we will be sharing the venue with the Atlanta AMPS Annual Show.
What could be better than a hobby show consisting of three different groups combined into one weekend and at one price!
In addition to a huge room of vendors and tables full of well painted figures, the Show will present the AMFS Silent Auction , which will be going on all day Saturday, and Brett Avants will host a seminar on painting 1/35th scale figures on Saturday morning. In the afternoon, Matt Springer will host a Figure Painting Panel discussion followed by two armor seminars presented by Tony Zadro and the fine folks from the National Armor and Cavalry Museum at Ft. Benning.
APG events for the Show begin on Thursday, February 20th with a Painting Workshop which will be led by Doug Cohen, one of the premier hobbyists around. Need to learn acrylic techniques, better what you already know, or just have some fun? Then this could be the thing for you. On Friday morning, the APG will host a battlefield tour of nearby Kennesaw . Saturday will begin for the APG with a seminar on the Poetry of the Great War presented by APG president Jon Harbuck and end with the APG Figure Auction at 12:00 noon. For more information on any of these happenings contact the APG at either the Artist's Preservation Group INC on Facebook or www.artistspreservationgroup.com/blog/