Hi everyone
Following on from my thread about this release here: https://www.planetfigure.com/posts/1289832
I must admit its nice to see a company like MODEL VICTORIA who are based in Italy and are better known for their specialist area of 1/35th figures deciding to expand into busts
This being the first we will look at
The subject is a WW1 subject from the empire of Austro-Hungary and is based on a photograph of a Sgt just after he was captured by British troops on the Italian front in 1918
Proudly wearing 2 medals which you see on the sculpt and retains a little bit of pleasure in the form of a pipe peeking out from his left breast pocket.....more about this on the sculpt later

References are accessible via the internet and through books etc plus of course colourised images as above and here:
Some books that are really good references

Details of the release:
Title: Austro-Hungarian Zugfuhrer 1916-1918
Reference: MVB01
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Medium gray resin
Number of Pieces: 12
Sculptor: Roberto Vescovi ( 3D Sculpt )
Casting: In House by Model Victoria
Box Art: Paolo Marcuzzi
Shipping was fast and presented no problems , despite the courier mis- delivering !!!!...sent in padded postal bag , inside the cardboard box was a simple but secure affair the fold over lid we see a coloured picture of the painted bust
Opening the lid reveals the contents covered by paper shavings and a colour diagram relating to a paint set (more soon )
on opening we find the contents in 3 clear resealable bags
Despite the packing my review helmet was damaged I contacted Model Victoria who has already sent a replacement....can't argue with that good service
The parts consist of torso , helmet, 2 x chin straps , helmet lugs x 4 and 3 pipe stems
I will deal with prep as we look at the resin in the next part
I mentioned a paint set this can be purchased as a package or separately, I will be using it when I paint this and do a write up then
Painted version from Model Victoria
Continued in next post
Following on from my thread about this release here: https://www.planetfigure.com/posts/1289832
I must admit its nice to see a company like MODEL VICTORIA who are based in Italy and are better known for their specialist area of 1/35th figures deciding to expand into busts
This being the first we will look at
The subject is a WW1 subject from the empire of Austro-Hungary and is based on a photograph of a Sgt just after he was captured by British troops on the Italian front in 1918
Proudly wearing 2 medals which you see on the sculpt and retains a little bit of pleasure in the form of a pipe peeking out from his left breast pocket.....more about this on the sculpt later

References are accessible via the internet and through books etc plus of course colourised images as above and here:

Some books that are really good references

Details of the release:
Title: Austro-Hungarian Zugfuhrer 1916-1918
Reference: MVB01
Scale: 1/10th
Material: Medium gray resin
Number of Pieces: 12
Sculptor: Roberto Vescovi ( 3D Sculpt )
Casting: In House by Model Victoria
Box Art: Paolo Marcuzzi
Shipping was fast and presented no problems , despite the courier mis- delivering !!!!...sent in padded postal bag , inside the cardboard box was a simple but secure affair the fold over lid we see a coloured picture of the painted bust
Opening the lid reveals the contents covered by paper shavings and a colour diagram relating to a paint set (more soon )
on opening we find the contents in 3 clear resealable bags
Despite the packing my review helmet was damaged I contacted Model Victoria who has already sent a replacement....can't argue with that good service
The parts consist of torso , helmet, 2 x chin straps , helmet lugs x 4 and 3 pipe stems

I will deal with prep as we look at the resin in the next part
I mentioned a paint set this can be purchased as a package or separately, I will be using it when I paint this and do a write up then
Painted version from Model Victoria
Continued in next post