Back on Home Ground in our travels - DAVID LANE


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

Our destination this month is home ground ...sunny ( sometimes ☀️🤔) England ....but the sun always shines on this months profile

My pleasure to share with you all the interview with ....UK Artist - DAVID LANE

A fine figure painter but also a Modeller who loves the WW1 period which includes modelling wonderful aircraft with amazing details as we will see later


As well as all his modelling activities he a keen cyclist looking rather dashing in Lycra , competing in many world wide events and races


1 Tell us your background and details about you ?

1. Born and raised in Walsall. W.Mids ( or Staffs as it was) in '58. Failed the 11+ so went to a Comprehensive . My main pastimes were football or any sport ...and just any inventive play, even Action Man!

2 How long have you been painting or sculpting figures , what got you started into this form of art ?

2. My dad had built the house we lived in from '63 onwards ( he was a policeman) and on one hallway shelf he'd wanted to display some figures. He bought and built Henry VIII and several others of the 1:12 Airfix series. I was hooked just watching. I managed to get a raise in my pocket money from one shilling ( 5p ) to two shillings ( 10p ) which allowed me to buy my first Airfix model, a Bel Airacobra 1:72.
I did the usual modelling anything military until my teenage years when exams were more important. I kept it up on and off and when I qualified as a dentist I made the 1:12 Airfix Bengal Lancer and used oils for the first time.
Fast forward to 1995 and I was trying to paint the face on a Historex figure and making a mess of it. I decided there and then I was going to learn more about painting figures and bought Military Modeling magazine . There I read about a show in Folkestone called Euro Militaire. I sold the idea of a weekend by the sea to my wife and off we went to an event that literally blew my mind. I'd never seen figures and work quite like it. I was fortunate to meet Adrian Bay who became a mentor to me.on

3 Who if any artist is the main influence and has motivated you to your current level ?

3. Having met Adrian I would every couple of months go to visit him and show him my attempts. He critiqued it and I'd go back and try again. In Euro 1996 I got a commendation. In 1997 I struck Bronze. In '98 and '99 I was up to silver. I finally got gold in 2000.
I had a lot of feedback from other judges at the show such as the late John Regan who advised me to make a distinction of the figure's textures. I never forgot that.
During this time I made an effort to travel to Italy and compete and observe the shows abroad meeting many influential modellers. Through Fabo Nunnari I met Ivo Preda, Claudio Signanni, Bill Horan , Pepe Gallardo, Canone brothers, Danilo Cartaci, Raoul Lattore, Nello Riveccio and Kostas Kariotellis. Not a bad bunch to learn from! Travelling costs time and money but, if you want to improve, I strongly believe you need to travel.
Back in Britain I have alway admired Derek Hansen's work along with Martin Livingstone. I also much admired Adrian's work who started me converting and sculpting as early as '97. He taught the basics and how to read anatomy.
Although I tried to imitate what all these guys did, it just developed into my own style.

4 Are you a member of any club or association ?

4.No time.

5 Do you have a favourite paint product or medium ?

5.I finish my figures in W & N oils. Don't bother with student oils, they are too weak at coverage and will be less stable over time.

6 On average how long to complete a piece ?

6.If I'm left alone and not being distracted by 'life', I can prepare and start painting a piece on a Friday and be done by Sunday evening. A week is probably more normal.

7 Have you a preferred subject and in what scale to work on ie: historical/ fantasy ?

7.I'm purely a Historical painter. I started out heavily into Napoleonics and sold a lot of conversions and scratchbuilt pieces through the early 2000s mostly to the collectors in the USA and Italy.

8 Have you a favourite piece in the display cabinet ?

8. I don't have favourites as such but, If I had to choose it would be the Kaiser Wilhelm bust from Dolman Miniatures.

9 Is there a subject you’ve not done yet but want to ?


10 Is there a favourite manufacturer you’ve worked with ?

10. Metal Modeles was the benchmark for quality in my early days. Now that resin casting and 3D printing has arrived I'll use anything as long as the anatomy is correct. Dolman makes some very fine pieces.

11 What’s your favourite model show ?

11.Scale Model Challenge in Eindhoven by a country mile!

12 Where do you see the future of hobyy heading

12 I can remember people saying the hobby is dieing years ago. Look at the incredible diversity we have now. Fantasy has gone from a fringe part in the late 90's to dominating the entries at SMC this year. I think the hobby is in good health.

13 Any thoughts on 3D compared to traditional sculpting ?

13 If a sculptor can do it in putty, they can do it in 3D. NelIo Riveccio was a good sculptor years ago and he's producing some great works now. Some of the digital sculptors lack a knowledge of anatomy and pose.
I jdon't like the incremental lines caused by poorer design and cheaper printers.

14 Do you much sculpting/ conversion on your figures ?

14 Not since 2005.

16 Is there anyone you’d like to see featured in “Meet the Artist” ?

16. Nello Riveccio.

A big thank you to David for the interview , we all look forward to seeing more from your bench , both figurework and aircraft


Let’s now let David get back on the cycle and enjoy some great pics of his work


First ...figures



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A great bloke and friend and an amazing artist,I am proud to have a figure of Davids in my cabinet.
Indeed, a very nice chap and a superb artist. I'm lucky enough to see his work up close on our Great War SIG displays and I've learned a lot from him. He kind of bucks the current trends as well because his work is so subtle and lifelike rather than high contrast. Personally I think his style is perfect for historical modelling.
I find David's work very inspiring, and strive to do better at my own projects because of it. I found this interview most interesting indeed.
Always enjoy having the opportunity to study David's work up close. The speed with which he paints stuff is slightly annoying given the quality of his work (I can take a weekend to decide what I want to paint next!)
As Nigel mentioned already he prefers the 'realistic' approach to painting and as can be seen some of the skin tones are remarkably lifelike.

Interestingly the same tones can look slightly 'off' in the light at some of the shows that we display at which shows hows difficult it can actually be to paint realistically and how much the colour of light influences our painting (Tungsten, filament, LED, natural etc. all have different colours which affect how our eyes actually see colours. David monitors the light temperature which a handy little phone app for those interested)

Personally I think David is one of the best figure painters around at the moment and if you get the opportunity to have a chat and study his work closely you'll come away being inspired (and on the way to your local art shop to buy some oil paints if you don't already have any!);)

Thanks Kev, a very enjoyable interview to read and thanks for introducing me to David Lane better.