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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2006
I took this along to my club night the other day where we have better facilities for taking pictures.

As I said, on the whole I'm pleased with it. I had a lot of fun doing this, I really enjoyed the larger scale and fully intend to do more of these excellently sculpted and cast figures from Le Cimier, I actually find this scale much easier, but maybe that's because I'm a beginner.

It's now in the window of Under Two Flags in London's West End. It's better there than sitting on my mantle piece collecting dust, for me the enjoyment is in the research, building and painting, once it's done I rarely pay them much attention, is that weird, or do other people feel the same about their finished articles?

Enjoy the better images, as always comments, critique welcome.

Thanks for looking

Best wishes




Marc, Christos and Roc

Thanks for your comments, at least I feel I'm heading in the right direction, being that it's only my 8th figure, I still have a lot to learn to get to your standrd though.

Thanks for taking the time the look and comment.


Sorry, that last post was me, my daughter was logged in and not me, she was looking for information about painting her Bengal Lancer horse.
hi tim!
what nice piece, if thats being 'new' to painting, i reckon i could do with some lessons! :lol: well done mate- i agree wwith you on the larger figures, certainly easier to see as we all get older.
is it a resin? i guess it would have to be really. the workmanship of Le Cimier is fantastic.
never been to 'two flags' but must go there some time. what club do you belong to? i'm not in a club and every one i knew gave up the hobby or moved.

all the best -- timo
Hi Timo

Thanks for your kind words.

Yes this figure is resin, sculpting is fantastic, I've now ordered the Polish Lancer Trumpeter, (not sure so wise now, with all that white!!)

Under Two Flags is a great little shop off Oxford Street, down a little alley into st Christopher's Place, opposite New Bond Street. Andy the owner is a real character and a top class painter himself, although he would never admit it. Prices are very reasonable considering it's the West End, although you can buy cheaper on line, once you've paid P+P it amounts to the same.

I belong to The Harrow Modelling Society, meet in Harrow, takes me about a half hour to get there, but I've been a memeber for about 14 years, although would like to see if there are any other more figure orienatetd clubs nearer to me. Before swapping to figure painting I was building cars, to a lesser or greater degree.


really nice painting of the figure. You have brought out the best in it. My only observation is the angle of the carbine and its clip seem to defying gravity and should be hanging more downwards. I suspect that this is just me being very picky. A really well painted figure
Thanks John

No you're right the musketoon, should be more vertical, when I took this to club night to have it photographed, it sort of broke!! Didn't have the tools to fix it.

It was a real b****r to do in the first place, being resin it was stock heavy and didn't want to hang right. It is looking in a better position now, for added good measure I tacked the barrel to the top of his boot, looks far more realistic now.


Hi Tim,

Nice job! I bought the same piece along with several other Le Cimier pieces a while back. Looking at your figure makes me want to get started.

Thanks for sharing your pictures.

Beautifully painted figure mate. I agree with your comment about allowing others to see your work rather than leaving them to gather dust on the mantle. The fun for me is in building and painting the figure. Once its finished I lose interest in them and move on to my latest project.

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