Books on heraldry / emblems


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Well-Known Member
Mar 5, 2007

I am looking for a book with lots of illustration of heraldry or emblems that knights could wear. I have the Osprey book on Heraldry and some others of their books. Unfortunately, there are not very many pictures of shields / emblems, and where they would which knight would have worn what.

I am not big into historical accuracy right now as knights are pretty new to me. But I would like to be able to depict specific knights during the period they lived in. The knight / heraldry i select would have to match the period the figure is scultped for. For this, what would be most useful are pictures / plates.

The problem about Osprey books is I would have to buy lots to cover the range of knight figures I have accumulated over the years. If possible, I would like to get 1 good book that would last me many years to come. Can anyone recommend anything?

Yr query on Heraldry books

Hi Basil,

Remember me? We met a couple of years back. I think yr query can be divided into two issues:
1. Basic heraldry
2. Specific heraldry

There are quite a number of good books out there which gives a good introduction to basic rules on heraldry - a very well-known book is
"Complete Guide To Heraldry" by Arthur Charles Fox-Davies , reprinted several times. These tell you 6 colours, 2 metals, how fields are divided, patterns etc. with lots of examples of specific usage by specific personalities.

Then there are more specific heraldry books which does in-depth analysis on specific knights involved in specific battles and the heraladry they wore.

The type of books you go for also largely depend on the figures in your collection and the specific armour they wore - eg chain mail largely pre-dated plate armour, thus limiting your heraldry choices.

Rgds Victor
I agree with Victor, but the good news is that once you pick a person or a period, there are many references not specifically about heraldry that will supply the answers you are looking fo,r such as biographgies and accounts of battles. For example, a book on The 100 Years War may have an extensive section on coats of arms (for wacos like me that love this stuff :0 ). Some other book that may help are: Fairbairn's Crests, The Oxford Guide to Heraldry, and The Dictionary of Heraldry. You'll have to cruise the bookstores and shows, but there's a lot out there if you look. Kinda fun, really! Good luck.
I have book called "The Complete Book of Heraldry" by Stephen Slater. Printed by Hermes House. Printed 2003 and is book No.
ISBN 1-84309-824-5
It has the history of Heraldry and lots of different arms and names. You may find this in the public library?
Hi guys,

Thanks for your recommendations.

Victor - wasn't it on HMForum that we met? Or was it in IPMS?

The figures I have are quite a wide range - but all with surcoats. Among them are Elite's Norman and Italian Knights, Soldiers English Knight, Pegaso's Italian Knight...... I would like to be able to portray them as specific knights in history if possible (but of course those that can be a bit more visually captivating). I guess what I need is something more useful as a painting reference with some reference to the historical characters.

I'll check out your recommendations at the bookstores!

Hi Victor,

I vaguely remember.... you're from Singapore yourself aren't you? It was probably about 6-8 years ago that we first got in contact.

Would love to hear from you what your current interest are and how active you still are.


Hi Basil,

We met at the local chapter of the above. You had brought in a nice looking ACW Union figure.

We should catch up. I have some good contacts with local figure modellers (yes, there are some of us in Singapore!). My direct email is [email protected]

Rgds Victor
I also have "The Complete Book of Heraldry" by Stephen Slater, and I agree with John, definitely a good book to have.
