Review British Officer (Spain) 1811- from Stormtroopers V12 Range


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to everyone ,

The Peninsular War was fought in horrid conditions with the opposing armies suffering from one common enemy .....the heat .

Using what protection they could amongst them neck covers to shield the neck and thats what our subject is wearing from the talented stable of Stormtroopers we have a officer from the backbone of the British Army .....the Infantry.

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The model is quoted as being from the 1st Foot Guards circa 1811 but could equally be any British Officer by careful research on the facing colours .

Lets have a bit of background info on the actions the Regt was involved in :

At the beginning of the 19th century, Britain was busy preparing for Napoleon's invasion, but after Trafalgar the government felt confident enough to send a force to occupy Sicily in 1805. This force included the 1st Guards Brigade (1st and 3rd Battalions 1st Guards). But in 1808 there was more important work to be done. The Brigade, part of a 13,000 strong force, was sent to the Peninsula to reinforce Wellesley's army which had successfully driven the French from Portugal. They landed at Corunna and marched inland to join up with Sir John Moore's 20,000. They then moved north to fight Soult's army beyond Valladolid but on Christmas day news arrived that Napoleon himself was leading a superior force to cut them off from their base at Corunna. Moore had no choice but to retreat to Corunna and save the Army.
Corunna 1808
The story of the retreat to Corunna is a harrowing one. It was the middle of winter and they had to cross mountainous terrain with little food and tattered clothing. The trek took nearly three weeks and there were successful rearguard actions by the cavalry. The two battalions of Guards arrived at the port, apparently marching in step behind their corps of drums, setting a fine example to the rest of the army and helping to raise morale. A few days later the battle of Corunna started when the French took advantage of the late arrival of the British fleet, and attacked. Soult's men were strongly resisted and eventually retired but not before Moore was fatally wounded on 17th January 1809.
Walcheren 1809
The 1st Guards only had a few months to recover from their exertions in Spain. By late summer they were packed off on the ill-fated expedition to the Dutch island of Walcheren with the objective of capturing Antwerp. The attack failed and the whole army was struck down with a terrible fever. The expedition was abandoned and they returned home.
Barrosa 1811
The 1st Guards returned to Spain in 1810 where they found themselves besieged in Cadiz. The composite brigade was commanded by Major-General Dilkes of the 3rd Guards. There were 6 companies of the 2nd Battalion and 3 companies each from the other two Guards regiments. On the 5th March 1811 they, with some Spanish troops, were sent up the coast to attack Victor's army. They were separated from the Spanish so had to fight two French Divisions alone. They had just completed a 15 hour march but managed to defeat a force of cavalry and infantry from a strong defensive position. The attack was headed by the 1st Guards and cost them a third of their number after an hour and a half of bitter fighting. When the two year siege of Cadiz was lifted the Brigade made their way to join a further influx of Guards who were wintering at Cuidad Rodrigo. They were the 1st Battalion of the 1st Guards. Wellesley, now the Duke of Wellington was in command of the army and formed two Guards Brigades: 1st Brigade under Maj-Gen Howard of the Coldstream Guards to consist of 1st and 3rd Battalion 1st Guards and the composite battalion of Coldstream and 3rd Guards. 2nd Brigade under Maj-Gen the Hon E Stopford of the 3rd Guards, to consist of the 1st Battalions of the Coldstream and 3rd Guards. The army moved north to drive the French from Spain. There was a 3 month delay while they besieged San Sebastian.
Nive 1813
When the French retreated into France the British followed and forced crossings of the River Bidossa on 7th October, the Nivelle on 10th November and finally that year, the Nive. The battle on the Nive lasted 3 days and cost the British 1,500 lives overall but cost Soult's men 3,500 lives. The 1st Guards gained a battle honour from this.

The 1st Foot or Grenadiers won the following battle honours to carry proudly on their colours :

As expected references abound for this period in the Napoleonic Wars amongst them :

A particularly intersting memoirs being from a serving Officer in the Peninsular : Captain Orlando Bridgeman :
Continued in next post:

On now to the bust itself:

The V12 range from Stormtroopers took our little world by storm with the simplicity of the style , this continues with this piece , the details are as follows:

Title: British Officer , Spain, 1811 (on box) and British 1st Foot Guards Officer Spain 1811(on insert)

Reference: V12 011

Material: Resin

No of parts: 2

Sculptor: Antonio Meseguer

Box Art: Ernesto Reyes

Casting: Stuart Hayes

Inspired by this plate by Bob Marrion

As with previous releases from Stormtroopers in the V12 range the model is put safely in a bubblewrap envelopeA 035.jpg
and held in a strong cardboard box , the cover of which carrys the box artA 034.jpg .........

by our very own Ernesto Reyes.

Also included is an insert with a small painting guide for the bust .A 037.jpg

The parts consist of just 2 pieces ..the main torso and the bicorne , both are cast in a pleasing gray resin , prep needed involves the easy removal of 4 small casting plugs (one from the back of the bust , 3 from the bicorne and one from the undersides of the base) , a fine casting line will need also to be sanded down at the back ....all this work is minimal , once done it gives you a bust that is ready to be primed and then the real fun can begin .
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Lets look at the main torso , this is as with others in the range sculpted with the head included , the top of which carrys a small locating plug for the corresponding hole in the bicorne ensuring a perfect fit.
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Sculpted on is the neck cloth which is really nicely done the folds and the way it hangs looks spot on , it is slightly open at the front to reveal the collar details , undercuts are good as well , the collar is easily accesible to allow for painting .

Looking at the facial features . we see a officer who is proud of his Regt and who maintains the standards desired of a guards officer , he looks sternly to the left with the slightly furrowed brow, the eyes well formed , nice cheekbones , nasal and mouth area , and is sporting a nice pair of bushy sideboards .
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The collar is well done with the lacework being very clean and level , excellent sculpting and casting in this area is evident , above the uniform collar we see his shirt peeking out , at his neck we have the stock ..again everything is well formed .
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At his neck we have the gorget ..with a stunning Royal coat of Arms on it , his uniform jacket is worn buttoned up with the top turned out to reveal the facing colour (in this case dark blue...also seen on his collar) ...defintion of the folds and the uniform is really nice with all the buttons being perfectly round .

On his shoulders we see the epaulette straps ..I wuld have liked to see a bit more of thse but that would be easy to add using your chosen putty , my choice but they in no way detract from the effect as they have been done(bring out the NMM I say!!!)

At the waist we have the crimson sash this is pulling on the uniform causing it to slighly ruffle ...all folds resulting are great , the sash itself is full of folds ..also well done .
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Across his chest he has the sword belt with the regimantal badge being sculpted on the plate there is also a thin strap (this could be leather) perhaps it carrys his water bottle ..such a vital piece of equiptment .
The torso has the base cast with it giving a nice flow to the model .

On now to the bicorne ...this is sculpted with a cover over it to protect the expensive materials underneath , no plume is worn by this officer ..a la campaign., the cover itself is a nice touch with the ties being in place along the top , the material pulling at the corners , this is relected in the folds ...but the cover has also seen campaign damage with a nice rip on one side to reveal a tantalising bit of the actual bicorne .
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Fit onto the head is clean with no filler being required .

Final thoughts:

This was released in 2013 before Stu and Alison had a well deserved siesta , pleased to say he is back with vengence in 2014!!!

This is another really nice piece from Stormtroopers which adds a very nice model to the display cabinet , presentation is excellent as is the sculting and box art .

It is simple to prep and will be a joy to paint .

For more information on this and others in the V12 range and also other models that Stu has released have a look at the website:

......while you are there why not use the link on the site also have a look at the sister company Grenadier Miniatures run by Stu's SWMBO Alison (y)

Thanks for looking in

Enjoy the modelling

Love these reviews..really like to see these busts and figures in the raw as it were without any paint on....thanks...Kevin
Great review Kev
Are you going to get the obligatory hair cut along with the new avatar :)

you got more medals than Bertorelli

Hi Ron ,

Thanks for the comment ...ref hair ..oh happy memories for more medals ...I am sure Capitano B has them elsewhere on his person !!!!!

Hi Ben/Swralph/Paul and Malc ,

Thanks so much for your comments makes it all worthwhile is a lovely bust for sure ..looking forward to painting mine .
