Hi everyone ,
Monty's Miniatures....who or what are they ...well a new venture by a fellow who in real life is called Simon Edwards and on PF is known as montythefirst
The samples were sent quickly and were held in a good clear storage wallet which not only held them all together is a good case when travelling .
I have been using these for basing and detailing for the past week or so and have given them some rough treatment and I am pleasantly surprised at the "staying power" of them particularly the larger sizes .
Monty's Miniatures....who or what are they ...well a new venture by a fellow who in real life is called Simon Edwards and on PF is known as montythefirst
Simon decided to get a series of brushes done for day to day use which were both good quality and in useful sizes so he commissioned a company to produce what we are looking at for the Monty's Miniatures.The samples were sent quickly and were held in a good clear storage wallet which not only held them all together is a good case when travelling .
I have been using these for basing and detailing for the past week or so and have given them some rough treatment and I am pleasantly surprised at the "staying power" of them particularly the larger sizes .

- Red Sable brush hair
- Very good security in the ferrule which has no join
- Distinctive Orange and Black wooden handle
- Handle is short in length from lower edge of ferrule (130mm approx)
- Comfortable to hold and use
- Good " spring and elasticity" on brush point
- Brush holds paint well
- UK manufactured

- No concerns with my chosen Acrylics or Water Soluable Oils
- Suitable for all scales from wargame figures upwards
- Good for both small and larger area's of a model
- A selection available at present consist of sizes , 2, 1, 0 , 00 and a 000
- If you want some specific sizes or qty the contact Simon direct to sort this out
- These are not kolinsky sable but are good quality red sable
- They are good brushes for " bulk" painting
- Reasonably priced
- Sourced by Simon (a commison painter) who knows what both him and us need
- With regular cleaning as we would do they will give a long service at the bench
- UK is FREE
- Overseas is available but the purchaser is requested to check import rules regarding sable .
Its nice to see a modeller producing what we want and something so vital as a good brush , these are not Series 7 but will give a good back up and a good result on your chosen model.
Presentation and materials used are of a good quality and there is of course that nice and easy to see handle.
I will be getting some more of the the more popular sizes and hope we might see perhaps some flats as well
Well done to Monty's Miniatures going for this venture
Thanks to Simon for the samples and to you all for looking inFor more information have a look at :
Simon's Painting ...here on on PF and on http://www.puttyandpaint.com/Montys_Miniatures
Simon's Blog: http://montysminiatures.blogspot.co.uk
Ebay user id: montysminiatures_uk
Face Book https://www.facebook.com/MontysMiniatures/
E mail: [email protected]