A Fixture
This is the first of several new releases from Stromtroopers, ST75/08 Bugler, 68th Light Infantry, Inkerman, 1854, Sculpted by Stuart hale and Maurice Corry, box art painted by Sangeon Lee.
The kit is supplied in a sturdy box with all parts protected in a bubble wrap bag. The small parts are contained in a small zip lock bag.
The scale of the figure is 75mm. It consists of nine parts cast in light grey resin. A close inspection of the parts show and exceptional level of casting and detail with only the mould blocks to remove and a minimal amount of cleaning of the smaller parts.
We can see close up the detail that has been sculpted into this figure by Maurice and Stuart and the sharpness of the casting, we can also see the location points for the arms from the side shots.
The Arms show good detail. The small mould blocks need to be removed.
Three angles on the head and face show the quality of the casting and the level of detail that has been sculpted into the facial expression.
The small pompom locates at the front.
Each side of the bugle. Small amout of plug removal and clean up.
A small amount of wire is included in the kit to make the strap for the bugle.
Another very nice release from Stormtroopers and nice choice of subject in the increasingly popular scale of 75mm. All parts are well cast with crisp detail. Minimal amount of cleanup. A must have for anyone interested in this era of history. Highly recommended.
El Greco Miniatures:
Soga Miniatures:
The kit is supplied in a sturdy box with all parts protected in a bubble wrap bag. The small parts are contained in a small zip lock bag.
The scale of the figure is 75mm. It consists of nine parts cast in light grey resin. A close inspection of the parts show and exceptional level of casting and detail with only the mould blocks to remove and a minimal amount of cleaning of the smaller parts.
We can see close up the detail that has been sculpted into this figure by Maurice and Stuart and the sharpness of the casting, we can also see the location points for the arms from the side shots.
The Arms show good detail. The small mould blocks need to be removed.
Three angles on the head and face show the quality of the casting and the level of detail that has been sculpted into the facial expression.
The small pompom locates at the front.
Each side of the bugle. Small amout of plug removal and clean up.
A small amount of wire is included in the kit to make the strap for the bugle.
Another very nice release from Stormtroopers and nice choice of subject in the increasingly popular scale of 75mm. All parts are well cast with crisp detail. Minimal amount of cleanup. A must have for anyone interested in this era of history. Highly recommended.
El Greco Miniatures:
Soga Miniatures: