Bust Mountain Man


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A Fixture
Jun 16, 2005
St-Lambrechts Herk, Limburg, Belgium
Hi everybody,

I am in surch for a bust (200mm) of a mountain man, but it will be difficult to find, I think.

At the time (about 7 or 8 years ago) it was a present if You toke a subscribtion
of a magazine of figures (I think it was spanish?).

Does enybody now from what bust I am talking about?

Thanks, Eddy.
I would like to know about that one myself. Let us know if you are able to find one.......and which one.
Hi, I'm Marco Ganghini from Bestsoldiers -Italy ,
visist bestsoldiers
when you can found this

Marco Ganghini
Many thanks Luis,

But my spanish is not that good, and I need to registrate for the Forum,
so I haid give it a try, but it wont accept the numbers that wore sent to
me by émail, so.....

But, You allready have give me more than I had, so thanks again.
Eddy.........I'm a registered member there and most of their members understand English so I will post the question looking for 2 of the busts.......1 for you and 1 for me.

* I just posted in Liliput and will let you know what response I get