Hi thanks for your comments , yes the oils are still drying !!! eyes make a model , sometimes they seem to work better , but what helps is the sculpt and this is a great sculpt .
How do I do eyes ...well I have lots of pics of my family's eyes ...all ages so that's a good reference to start with , another good reference is Historical Miniatures Magazine No 27 page 14 - article by the late and great Bob Knee also Figure International No 15 - good for all scales .
What I do is use a very light gray initially and then use a very diluted Cadmium Red , this will work into the corners ...have a look in the mirror. also I line the top of the eye with black and the bottom with umber , make sure you put a light in (titanium white) where it catches .
When I paint a pupil I also put a additional highlght colour in , leave it to dry fully and then put the watery effect on either using gloss varnish or as I did on this one Liquin .
I also find it helps if you paint around the eye area with a base colour (I normally use Lifecolours Matt Stone UA 097 /FS 30266- but this depends on how the flesh is required to look)
We all have our own way to do eyes , this is mine ..but I do adapt as required.!!