Carlo Emanuele Buscaglia was born in Novara, in Piedmont, on 22 September 1915. He entered the Royal Aeronautical Academy, attending the Orione course, in October 1934 and obtained the rank of second lieutenant in June 1937, the airplane pilot license in November 1936 and that of military pilot in February 1937. He was one of the most famous aviators of the Second World War and was awarded the gold medal for military value. He distinguished himself in the specialty of torpedo bombers managing to sink, according to the official version of the Regia Aeronautica, over 100,000 tons of enemy shipping.
In April 1939 he was promoted to lieutenant and in February 1940 he was transferred to the 252nd Squadron of the 46th Stormo Bombardamento Terrestre, and with this department, at the outbreak of the Second World War, he participated in some bombing operations on the western front.
In July 1940 Buscaglia was assigned to the Torpedo Bombers Experimental Department. transferred to El-Adem, Libya, On 27 August about 60 miles north-east of Bardia, Buscaglia fired a torpedo at the heavy cruiser HMS Kent, part of the escort of a British convoy departing from Alexandria and bound for Greece. On 1 April 1942, the 132nd "Aerosiluranti" Group was formed and Buscaglia assumed command.
On 12 November 1942 Major Buscaglia will be shot down by an enemy plane and will be considered dead while, in reality, he will be taken prisoner and sent to the United States from where he will return after the armistice of 8 September 1943. After the armistice of 8 September 1943, the torpedo bomber departments were divided: some formed in the north with the R.S.I. one group named after Buscaglia, others passed into the Italian Co-Belligerent Air Force. Buscaglia chose the first option, keeping faith with the oath made to the King, and returned to Italy.
Assigned to the "Stormo Baltimore" he died on 24 August 1944 in a flight accident at the Campo Vesuvio airport (Naples).
The figurine is a piece produced by "La Meridiana Miniatures", in 54 mm, in resin
The figurine is a piece produced by "La Meridiana Miniatures", in 54 mm, in resin