... cat


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A Fixture
Apr 5, 2011
Anyone else have a cat that has broken a couple of pieces have not been up in my model den for a while because of a few small health issues . Anyway get up there today and the scarecrow piece I posted a while ago along with the first bust I started. We're both on the floor the scarecrow in pieces. The bust ok . Well as I said before I wanted to repaint the scarecrow anyway . But not like this. LOL
One of mine dropped my half finished White Models 90mm miunted Lasalle on its side, breaking the foot and leg. He's been put into storage.....Lasalle, not the cat.
That sucks, but it's what they do. "Destroy, look cute and get away with it" could be their mission statement.
A display cabinet will protect your stuff from this and a whole lot of other threats.

Yes it is what it is. Like I said it will get fixed and repainted . The den door will be kept closed from now on . And as far as samson the cat goes what can you do like it was said he does something and then plays the cute card . When I get to the painting the scarecrow I'm gonna be asking for color ideas but that will be a while.
I've put a little hook on my door.
If he somehow managed to push it open, the hook would prevent him getting even his whiskers through the crack.
Nope! Because I am sensible and I got a clever dog! A border collie! she brings in my post, and rapidly opens it for me.:cautious:.. However I am having difficulty teaching her that the removal of sprues, takes a little more finesse than just using teeth! :eek:
I must be very lucky my cat is regularly coming in to my study to climb up on the window sill and look out of the window.
He's never jumped up on my workbench or knocked anything over.
Perhaps he appreciates my work.:LOL:

I don't allow Shooter on my bench... he allows me on his, by his royal whim.

So far he's only chewed on the musket of one figure... apparently he was telling me to start over and do a better job.

Bad bad kitty

I've had my cat knock one completed piece off the shelf, but fortunately nothing broke and I was able to fix it up,again. Worse thing he's ever done was to climb onto my painting desk, step in my oil pallet and track little paw prints in scarlet red all over the carpet. Studio door now remains locked at all times
We've had cats for years and I've never been the recipient of cat related incident.

Humans are the problem in my house. I don't have a dedicated painting table and I can't always tidy up after I've done some model painting, but I come home sometimes to find that the kids and wife have very carefully managed to shove and shoehorn everything into a square foot of space next to the edge of the dinning table.

And years ago when still living with parents my mum knocked PM hussar off the shelf and all she said when I noticed a little pile of bits was "never mind dear it's only a toy". Little did she know.

"Humans, who'd 'av 'em"................dom
Ah yess....
Setting oil colours on your palette , leaving the room, coming back, the cat is sleeping on it
Preparing a figure on a stand to take a picture , cat jump on it breaking figure and stand ...
Setting a plastic table cloth to protect the table, the cat jump, claws out, just a bit short, fall with everything on it ...

Cat are agile you say ? Just try this : a ( just one, nothing else ) glass of champagne ( empty ) on the center of a table, even if the table is 30 feet long on 12 feet ... well my advice : try with a plastic "glass"