Celta Senone 360 a.c.


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A Fixture
Nov 2, 2004
Just received a copy of this one from Fabrizio, so here comes the review.


Manufacturer: La Meridiana Miniatures
Article: BAN01 - Celta Senone 360 a.c.
Casting: beige resin
Scale: 1/10
Sculptor: Eduard Perez
Painter: Massimo Moro
Pieces: 16

The bust comes very well wrapped by two pieces of heavy foam. The box also contains a 2 page reference sheet with some historical notes and a colour guide (in italian).



Due to the amount of details, the bust comes with 16 different pieces, including a very nice wooden basement.


The kit has been casted (not by me, but by another italian guy) in a very bright beige resin and the result is simply excellent, I think it is one of the best resin casting I ever seen. No imperfection at all, only some very thin seam lines (like the one on the hand carring the sword), but really microscopical.

The shots I took does not make justice of the overall work (sculpting and casting), but taking more clear pictures it is almost impossible due to the light reflection on the surface.





As promised, some shots of the master sculpted by Eduard Perez. Not the final version, but these are the only shots I have. I saw the original sculpture (it is in true 1/10 scale) and I must say that the finish is really clean, no rough at all, with a great attention for details, like the amount of decorations on the helmet.

Just as example, those four feathers to be placed on the helmet are less than 1mm thick... The resin casting faithfully reproduces any kind of details without any kind of loss.

Pics speaks louder than words.




good work mate! Nice to see this piece a little closer. I have to admit I really like this piece. But I have a couple thoughts. I don't want to take away from the kit at all, but is it just me or is this guy missing his nipples? I know, I know - they could easily be painted on, but it looks like the box art doesn't have them painted either (at least barely if at all). Am I missing something here? Was there an ancient celtic ritual centered arround nipple removal? :eek: I also can't get past the fact that this piece has a face that looks very young to me. Not that that wasn't possible, I just think the boyish looks of the face take a bit away from the intesinty of the pose and "scream" imposed by the rest of the figure. I will no doubt add this one to my wish list, but Guy, I'm glad you're getting one first so I can get a look at it in person first! ;)

Jay H.
Was there an ancient celtic ritual centered arround nipple removal?

Ha, ha! What luck (for the young boy...) that the ritual was about nipple removal and not on other part... :eek: :lol:

Ok, now seriously, you are right, nipple are not sculpted, but just outlined as a little and thin protuberance. To be honest, standard iconography always portraits those warriors as mature guys, but considering the very short-live they had in those time I suppose a portrait of a young warrior could be acceptable.

I think it is just a matter of the sculptor's style, he is used to protrait using such a boyish feature. Let see if I can find the required time, your notes suggested me a transformation about a "She-Celta" version. Do not know if it could be correct from the historical point of view, but I think it could be interesting from the 'technical' (let say... ;) ) point of view.
You know Luca, that was the exact thought I had. Although this guy is built well from the neck down and waist up, I also had a passing thought that a bare chested female Celt would be interesting here. I definitely think the face is good to go, and it would certainly have an "Amazonian" intimidation factor to it with the pose and all. Let's see it Luca, if anyone can pull it off you should be able to!! I definitely think it can be done the way the pieces are molded. You can salvage from the wrist up, and the pants below, and simply resculpt the chest and abdomen to fit back against the cloak. I'm not a fan of "nudie" pieces, but done right I think this definitly has potential!

Jay H.
I have yet to paint my first bust, but this one looks like a great one to start with. What an exceptional kit.

Thanks for the thorough review, Luca!

Kyle ;)
Like Kyle i'm almost finished my first bust. It is the Blackwatch officer of the 42. O, i just beginning to love painting busts.
So why not this. Looks awesome to me.
I'm waiting for a painted version of this, so Guy, don't wait to long.

I just received this kit and I have to say that the resin casting is really Excellent!!!!!!!!!
Just beautiful!