Celtic Warrior 1st Century bc - Young Miniatures Review


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Celtic Warrior 1st Century bc
1/10th scale resin - 8 parts
Sculpted by Ahn Jun Sik
Painted by Ju Won Jung


Celt 01.jpg

Celt 02.jpg Celt 03.jpg

On December 25, 2004 I posted my first review from a sample sent to me by Young Miniatures. This was review number one of my reviews. Tonight I am posting review number 400, which is a Young Miniature kit above. Young has sent me all but one kit to review over the five years he has been in business. Young Miniatures just celebrated their 5th year in business and have brought us some of the best figures and busts available on the market.

All together PlanetFigure has 713 reviews in their Archive which can be seen here

[ Continued in next posting ]

Celt 04.JPG

Celt 05.JPG

The Celtic Warrior kit sculpted by Ahn Jun Jung comes in Youngs trademark heavy duty black cardboard box with a clear sleeve around the box to keep it closed. The kit is cast in a light yellow resin and consists of 8 resin parts sandwiched between layers of foam for protection during shipping.

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Above we see multiple views of the head showing the detail Ahn has sculpted into the face and hair.

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Celt 14b.JPG Celt 15.JPG

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Celt 18.JPG Celt 19.JPG

Above we see multiple views of the chest showing the excellent detailing of the fur, necklace and Boar's hoofs.

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Celt 22.JPG Celt 23.JPG

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Above are several views of the separate cast Boar's head cape. The attention to detail is awesome with the dry-fitment of the cape to the shoulders needing no filling.

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Above you see the dry-fitting of the head down into the cavity of the neck with the necklace covering the joint.

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Above you see just the Boar's Head cape dry-fitted to the back with the head removed. Note on the side the joint of the cape to the torso. Excellent fit.

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Above you see all three major parts of the bust dry-fitted together to give you an idea of how he looks.

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Above we see some of the separate cast parts such as the knife and the boar's hoofs. There are also cast 2 boar's teeth which would be fastened to the Boar's head.
Celt 41.JPG

Above is Young's traditional bust plinth cast in resin.

Celt 43.jpg


Above are a couple of additional box art photos of the finished bust.

An excellent kit from Young this month with dry-fitting of parts excellent.
Highly recommended + for this kit.

Young Miniatures web-site
click here

Stellar review here once agian my friend! Great pics, thorough presentation of what looks like a real fun piece to paint! Thanks!

Jay H.
With all the revieuws you have made the planet one of the best site's for figurepainting in my opinion. Your revieuws are top and also is the photography.
When i wanted to buy a figure, i always look first if there is a revieuw.
Keep going with this my friend.

Good News

Great looking bust as always from Young and even more great to see my friend Roc back up here !!

With all the revieuws you have made the planet one of the best site's for figurepainting in my opinion. Your revieuws are top and also is the photography.
When i wanted to buy a figure, i always look first if there is a revieuw.
Keep going with this my friend.


I have to concur with Marc here many thanks for all the hard work you put in
Guy-trust us, greatly appreciated, the quality of the sculpting and casting is always a cause for very high praise for Young and the driving force behind these miniatures, there are a lot of good even excellent offerings in a very changed market compared to say 10 years ago, makes one very dedicated to
purchasing and completing these very beautiful pieces.
Our humble thanks as always Guy, RobH.(y)
Thank you very much

Thank you very much Guy~!!
You remembered the begining of Young Miniatures.
Yes, We were begun December 15th 2004.
During 5th years, we received a lot of help from all friends of planetFigure and you.
We will never forget everything.
And we will try more and more for more good figures every year.
I would like to express sincere thanks to all.

Happy and great new year~!!

Young & Young miniatures team