Celtic Warrior - Kit Review


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma

A Savage Celtic Warrior

In about AD 1C, an indomitable Celtic warrior waging a battle against well-trained and unbeatable Roman legion.

The second of three kit reviews is of their Celtic warrior in 54mm sculpted by Yury Serebryakov and painted by the talented artist of planetFigure, Man-jin Kim.


One again, Seil delivers a professional product carefully sandwiched between foam and cover with the painting guide sleeve.

Celtic Warrior
Sculpted by Yury Serebryakov
Painted by Man-jin Kim
This kit is comprised of 5 metal parts and 1 resin base


The figure has amazing detail sculpted into the folds of the pants…..the muscles of his chest……..and the open mouth of a screaming Charging Celt.




The resin cast base I like much better than the white metal bases of other kits and is full of detail of rocks and boulders.


** Finished box art photos in next posting**
Photos of finished box art painted by Man-jin Kim




I am amazed at the detail Yury Serebryakov has sculpted into this figure and it is surely one of the finest detailed 54mm kits I have ever seen. Highly reccomended.
Hello Guy

Isn't that one beautiful figure? Dynamic pose, quality production and exquisite box-art. What more could we want?

Man-jin's paint job is awesome.

Did Yuri Serebryakov sculpt Pegaso's Marcomanni? I can't be sure, but there seems to be a family likeness between it and this one.

Certainly on my list.

Thanks for posting, and best regards

Cheers Guy, a very nice figure, quite tempting.

It's a great paintjob, but I'm baffled sometimes why tatoos are often painted with such strong highlights and shadows (searches in vain for a confused smiley)

doesn't detract from a great figure
Very nice. SEIL models is producing some nice stuff and the packaging and presentations is really nice.~Gary
Very nice sculpting and great painting!

Thanks Guy, for sharing with us what we will get if we purchase it!

I just love looking inside to see how it's made, the material,
howmany pieces, the quality....

And this one has past the review! Great figure!

I'm baffled sometimes why tatoos are often painted with such strong highlights and shadows

Me too Rob

I guess it's part of the convention that has developed in figure painting over recent years. It's how we "expect" them to look. Same with this guy's pants - now is it likely that he would have worn something like that? More to the point, is it likely that material in this very tight, modernistic pattern would have been produced at that time, and even if it was, would it have been available to your average spear-chucker?

It's what I call the Angus McBride school of painting. That said, there's no getting away from the fact that Man-jin's paint job is top class.

That's another two cents :lol:


Being the new kid on the block, I'm leery of jumping in. I agree that it is a beautifully sculpted and painted figure. But, along with the questions re: the tatoos and the pants, I have to wonder if a warrior in that day and age, considering the diet he had and the amount of calories he burned in a day, would look that beefy and "cut"?
When you think about the bushmen in Africa or the Aboriginals in Australia, you have to ask if the Celtic tribesmen, or any tribesmen living off the land, would have looked very different in physique from those peoples we've all seen modern pictures of. I don't know the answer, but it does make me wonder.
Just my 2 cents.
Hello Mike,
Don't be leary of jumping in....we were all "Newbies" when we joined the planet. I have to agree with part of what you say. I guess for every musclular Celt there were probably 100 skinny Celts. I even wonder at the light skin tones for people who were outdoors probably 80% of the time and maybe took a bath twice a year....if that. On the other side of the coin....these were peope who had to do everything manually and I would say lifted objects much more than the modern peoples we know now. So somewhere in between there are the "actual Celtic people" who had physiques of all descriptions. I would lean toward the muscular rather than the lean. With my Celt I will not do the tattoos as a work of art but rather in a more primative nature.....uneven and not shaded. Man-jin Kim has done a wonderful job painting this figure but I think more in an art form than historical form. My pants will be in stripes.........I shudder on how Man-jin Kim did the checkerboard design.

I chatted with Man-jin Kim on messenger the other night and commented about the checkerboard design and he stated he was from "The old School" of figurepainting and it took awhile to do the pants.

my 2c's too