Centurio Quintus Sertorius Festus - Update #7


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A Fixture
Sep 20, 2009
North Tonawanda, NY USA
The plaid cloak is finished and further detail work done as well. A step by step on this pattern technique is shown below. I am on the home stretch with this figure. A few more details and completion of the architectural feature to be added in the corner of the base. This has changed from my earlier idea of a mile marker which may not have been accurate for the time period, to a watering/drinking trough that will be the subject of my next post.

The plaid pattern is painted in oils and is a earthen toned pattern that was copied from a photo found by my friends over on the MedRom forum site. The red-brown lines were painted first using a mix of Brown Madder, Mars Yellow and Titanium White. Where the lines intersect, pure Brown Madder with a touch of Cad Red Deep was applied. Once dry every other line had a thin Indigo line applied, both vertically and horizontally. Lighter shades of Indigo were applied where the blue lines intersect and the whole was allowed to dry for a few days. A unifying neutral wash of Raw Umber, Mars Black and Burnt Sienna was applied overall to enhance the shadows.

The beginnings of the gold work on his greaves. Base and shadow, no highlights.​

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