A Fixture
Current WIP - a beautiful kit from CGS Military Figures, and another beautiful sculpt by Carl Reid.
Thanks, Nap,
I’m using oils for flesh, printers inks for the metallics, and acrylics for everything else.
The Polish crimson is Reaper Violet Red lightened a bit with Reaper Pale Violet Red. The Pale Violet Red is also used for highlights, and Vallejo Cadmium Maroon is used for shadows. The braid and cords are Vallejo Neutral Grey and Lifgt Grey with Silvergrey highlights.
Thank you, Warren, Bob, Terry, Mobo and Cannonball. I appreciate your kind words.
As Terry indicated, the Atlanta Miniature Show is coming this weekend, and it’s an event that I never miss. Always a great show, with beautiful work on display and a terrific group of people there. Looking forward to it!
Hi Kurt
Thanks for the mix details , I have the Andrea bust of the Lancer , tempted to get it out after seeing this SBS !
Following right with you
The base blue is Reaper Worn Navy. Highlights are the base plus Reaper Soft Blue. Highest highlights are straight Soft Blue. Shadows are the two darkest shades from the Andrea Blue Paint Set.
I use Games Workshop’s Chaos Black primer as my starting point.