Review Chasseur a Cheval de la Garde from Dolman Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi To one and all on PF ,

Finally after sort of getting things in order I can now sit back and "relax" ..well not really as I have several Reviews to share with you dear reader ...the first one is from the Napoleonic Period and depicts a Chasseur from the Imperial Garde released by Dolman Miniatures .

kev 068.jpg

Title: Chasseur a Cheval de la Garde

Reference: B-6

Box Art Painter: Eduardo Sánchez.

Sculptor: J. Astorga, L. Miguel Rebollo.

Material: White metal and resin.

Number of items: 10.

Scale: 1/10 mm.

Lets have a bit of a background information to this very elite Regiment that so adored their emperor Napoleon this was reciprocated back as one of Napoelons favourite undress uniforms was that of the Regt

The Chasseurs à Cheval of the Imperial Guard were formed in 1799 from the Guides, the personal guard of the 1st Consul and Emperor Napoléon I.

They were among the oldest formations of the guard, belonging to the Old Guard.

Only veteran soldiers were admitted to join the Chasseurs à Cheval, they had to have had a minimum of ten years of military service, three campaigns, and an honorable mention for bravery. In addition, the applicant had to be a minimum of 176 cm tall.

From October of 1802, the regiment consisted of four squadrons of 200 men each. In 1805, a squadron of four companies of Velites was added, and the squadron of Mamelukes was administratively attached. In 1812, the Velites were disbanded, and the regiment increased to five squadrons. The Chasseurs à Cheval were increased to eight squadrons in 1813, five of which had the status of Old Guard, and the remaining three belonged to the Young Guard.

The Chasseurs à Cheval wore a stylish uniform à la hussarde, with green dolman and yellow cords, red cuffs, red pelisse with yellow cords, a Colpack with red bag, red over green plume, and yellow cords. They were armed with hussar carbines, and curved light cavalry sabres.

Campaign History:
  • Engagement at Nuremberg, 1805
  • Battle of Austerlitz, 1805
  • Engagement at Lopacin, 1806
  • Battle of Preußisch Eylau, 1807
  • Engagement at Guttstadt (Dobre Miasto, Poland), 1807
  • Battle of Benavente (Portugal), 1808
  • Battle of Wagram, 1809
  • Spain, 1811–1812
  • Battle of Elione, 1812
  • Battle of Reichenbach, 1813
  • Battle of Dresden, 1813
  • Battle of Leizpig, 1813
  • Battle of Weimar, 1813
  • Battle of Hanau, 1813
  • Battle of Château-Thierry, 1814
  • Battle of Craonne, 1814
  • Battle of Valcourt, 1814
  • Battle of Courtrai, 1815
  • Battle of Waterloo, 1815
Truely a Regt dedicated totally to their beloved Emperor with the Regt colour proudly bearing honours so well deserved.chasseurs_a_cheval_de_la_garde_1812.jpg

One of the most famous pictures is of course : The Charging Chasseur, 1812. Painting by Theodore Gericault at the Louvre.270px-GericaultHorseman.jpg

..this has been depicted by many famous modellers of course in many scales..this one is in 28mm

For your enjoyment there are of course many books , including Osprey and H & C , all of which I reccomend reading , there are of course many others , including the wonderful displays in French Museums( I am drooling already!!!)

9781846032578.jpg9780850452884-th2.jpgMAA 11.jpgvol 1.jpgvol 2.jpgvol 3.gifvol 2 guard.jpgChasseurs.jpg

Continued in next post :

Hi to all ,

Before we look at the actual release lets enjoy these which should wet your appetite for the subject!!!!!


Great stuff eh ...and there is plenty more in many sources including my reference library!!!!!!

Continued in next post:
Onwards and upwards now .......

I received the model with the usual speedy service I expected from Dolman so thats a good start , the model was well packed in a clear snap together container , the pieces were all surrounded by bubble wrap with a colour card depicting the box art from Eduardo (perhaps the picture looks a little dark for some and would have benefitted a clearer photo) ..what this does show is the style of painting so well done IMO by him .

The contents consisted of : the main piece being cast in a gray Resin (this is the torso with head/with busby or colback) , the remaining 9 pieces consist of the flounders , together with cords to complete these as well as 3 tassels (one for the busby bag)also included is the plume as well as a little bow that fits under the chin where the scales meet , all these remaining 9 pieces are all cast in White metal.

kev 067.jpg

Prep of the Resin consisted dealing with the casting line on the shoulders and alittle bit of confirmation on each also the removal of a casting remanant from the undersides , as well as cleaning up a casting line here also. kev 077.jpg

Prep of the White Metal pieces is simply removing any excess and securng in the required position , I would recommend pinning the tassels if you can .kev 069.jpg

Details on all the white metal pieces are very well done , particularly the flounders kev 070.jpg and the plume kev 072.jpg .

Our Chasseur wears the Scarlet Pelise done up at the neck with his pouchbelt or giberne runing across his chest , he wears the busby with pride with his hair kev 081.jpg carefully coiffered to the required standard .

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kev 074.jpg
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kev 076.jpg

Overall impression is one of a elite cavalryman , so proud of his Regt and uniform .

kev 079.jpg

Casting is spot on with the resin with the details being clear and well defined , some might think the lace is not quite right , but looking at my references I see many variations especially with officers , likewise the fur on the Pelise should be white but again many variations often to personal choice if senior ranking were to be seen .

The pouchbelt is an undress one , seen again in plates this came in many styles often Red leather with ornaments being seen (ours has been panted as Black Leather ) the ornaments consist of a lovely eagle and Imperial crown ....again all nicely defined ...painting these will be a joy .
kev 080.jpg

The busby could for some look a little large , but again variations are seen , the references I have in front of me (including Original uniforms ) show a seeminly large example ...on the bust it looks right IMO

The texturing of the busby looks like fur and will benefit the careful painting needed to create the effect in addition to this the bag is also well sculpted sitting naturally into the top of the busby kev 078.jpg .

Chins scales are again well defined and cleanly cast , the white metal bow fits wonderfully under the chin .kev 071.jpg

Facial features are nicely done with the moustache being of particular note , he holds his chin out proudly ....don't forget when you paint the eye area the shadow from the busby .

My overall impression is of a model that has been well researched , well cast and presented well with minimal prep needed .

There are of course many variations you could do , including Line Chasseurs (see H & C books in earlier post)

You will I have no doubt enjoy this piece and I do hope we see some more from the Napoleonic period .

Finally lets enjoy some more views of the Box Art piece :

For more details and to order at a bargain price why not visit the website at :[/url] will not be unhappy thats for sure.


Thanks for looking in

As always a great review Kevin, many thanks for the work and effort you put in to these reviews.
This is most likely my favorite French uniform (along with a tin coated cavalry Regt) and you have here made me aware of a good many things that I did not know.
Looks like a really nice piece so hats off to Dolman for this one.
All the best Mate,
Hi Guys ,

Thanks for all the words of encoragement , its good to share my thoughts you all said ..."hats off to Dolman" and "some great kits"

Whilst looking for something else in amongst my bits and books I found this excellent book (soft card covers) which is packed full of great details (There is also ones on the Horse Grenadiers and Artillery) ...all are certainly worth adding if you wish and great reference for this piece as well .


Seems a must have bust for me Nap.
Thanks for the excellent revieuw.

Hi Marc ,

Thanks for your comments , glad you found it useful/enjoyed the review ...a definate one for me to paint as well ...look forward to seeing your WIP ..please do share your mixes .

Thanks for looking in
