Hello again fellas, to reassure you I haven't been idle, here's two photos of my latest effort. This is a 54mm Pegaso kit and it flowed from start to finish, I really recommend it.
Hey Anthony, I also have this kit (how could I miss it anyway). Great job on your greens and flesh tones. I have a question though.. I can't understand how to attach the gun with that clip there. Do you have a closer photo of that part? Thanks
It looks realy very good. I like it alot. But you now that the Napoleonic area is my favorit.
I like the flesh tones alot. How did you done it with the greens ons this figure. I hope that you place more pictures of this figure on planet because you have done it very well.
I really like the face and the greens. I've had quite a few 'start agains' with my greens on a 7th Hussar that I am currently painting.
I think I am getting there
Looks cool mate, it could be the photo, but it looks like the highlights and lowlights mite be a bit to close to the base colour, but as I said it mite be the lighting on the photo. Still cool tho.
I love this figure was gonna get it at Euro, but run out of cash.... :lol:
Thankyou all fellas!
Dave I know that feeling mate, where does the money go? In the flesh there is a bit more contrast, as you say it might be the photography, as I do tend to think figures do 'lose something' on here. Although not being bold enough in highlights/shading has been a thing of mine in the past.
Xenofon, I know exactly what you mean about the carbine & sling. This sorts itself out and I'm sure it wont be a problem. Once it's all primed up it gets clearer who it all fits in. On the figure is a very very small hole into which the sling's rifle attachment fits, I didn't notice this for ages, despite working on the figure for some time!
Steve, I sorted out my problem with green by actually using green oil paint that I bough the other week, until then I'd always made green, but now it's more consistant.
Dick, thanks mate. I shaded the green using a very dark red colour. Be vary careful and don't use a lot. You'll love the results.