SP-01 Specials
Chasseur D'Afrique 1854
1/9th scale resin
4 resin parts
Sculpted & painted by Le-Van Quang
This is my 5th review of PiliPili's Special Series 1/9th scale busts. This is a 4 part resin bust cast in a very light gray resin.
Packaged in a small sturdy cardboard box with all parts sealed in a zip-lock bag the bust needs very little clean-up for the painter to start right out with it.
Above are four views of the head showing the attention to detail Le-Van Quang has sculpted into this bust.
Above is the separate cast chest with a socket for the head to fit snuggly into.
Above are four views of the head and shoulders of the bust dry-fitted together.
Above are the front and back of the visor and the small round pom pom for the top front of the helmet.
Above are close-ups of the bust showing the detail of the hat and beard as well as the chest.
Conclusion: Another well sculpted bust by Le-Van Quang of PiliPili Miniatures. All dry-fitting was excellent with minimal clean-up needed. Highly recommended.