WIP Chevau-Léger-Lancier en 1812 en 180 mm


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Well-Known Member
Oct 31, 2014
Bonjour ,

Chevau-légers Lancier du 3ème, régiment créé le 18 juin 1811.

Projet réalisé par Louis-michel Martinez (INKERMANN) d'après un tableau de Charles SCHREYVOGEL en 1899 "Mon BUCKIE".

Le porte-aigle de l'illustration est de RIGO et le trompette est de Roger FORTHOFFER.

La position du bras droit du trompette sauvant l'Aigle n'était pas logique. Mon épouse me l'avait dit mais je ne me voyais pas tout casser. Hier, Jacky m'a fait la même réflexion, j'ai donc coupé l'épaule. J'en ai profité pour modifier son bras gauche car il n'était pas logique que celui-ci ne touche pas le dos du Porte-Aigle. C'est comme çà la figurine, il faut accepter le fait que l'on ne voit pas toujours les anomalies d'un projet que l'on a devant soi !

C’est du 1/10, pièce unique.

A+ Serge

Light Horse Lancer of the 3rd, regiment created on June 18, 1811. Project carried out by Louis-Michel Martinez (INKERMANN) after a painting by Charles SCHREYVOGEL in 1899 "My BUCKIE".
The eagle bearer in the illustration is by RIGO and the trumpet is by Roger FORTHOFFER.
The position of the trumpeter's right arm saving the Eagle was not logical. My wife had told me so, but I couldn't see myself breaking everything. Yesterday, Jacky made the same thought to me, so I cut off the shoulder.
I took the opportunity to modify his left arm because it didn't make sense for it not to touch the Eagle's back.
That's how the figurine is, you have to accept the fact that you don't always see the anomalies of a project you have in front of you!
It's 1/10, unique piece.

Translation added by Nap 27/01/25
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Light horse Lancer of the 3rd, regiment created on June 18, 1811.

Project carried out by Louis-Michel Martinez (INKERMANN) after a painting by Charles SCHREYVOGEL in 1899 "My BUCKIE".

The eagle bearer in the illustration is by RIGO and the trumpeter is by Roger FORTHOFFER.

The position of the right arm of the trumpeter saving the Eagle was not logical. My wife had told me so but I did not see myself breaking everything. Yesterday, Jacky made the same comment to me, so I cut off the shoulder. I took the opportunity to modify his left arm because it was not logical that it did not touch the back of the Eagle Bearer. That's how the figurine is, you have to accept the fact that you don't always see the anomalies of a project that you have in front of you!

It's 1/10, unique piece.

A+ Serge
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Hi Serge

Great to see you posting , fine conversion sculpting work on a very distinctive piece

Love the movement on the horse and the rider

Looking forward to seeing more on this

Happy benchtime

Thanks for pictures of this ongoing project!

What’s not to like ....excellent piece , liking the dynamics of the horse rearing slightly up with the water effects

The figures work well together , nice facial expression

Nice uniform colour choice as well

Thanks for sharing

Look forward to seeing more

Have fun @ the bench

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Bonjour. Pose des deux sabres. Reste la peinture à l'huile, la fixation des éperons et la réalisation des rênes.

Good morning. Posing the two swords. All that remains is the oil painting, fixing the spurs and making the reins. A+ Serge

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Bonjour, Début de la peinture à l'huile. Projet réalisé par Louis-Michel MARTINEZ, à partir du tableau "My BUCKIE" de Charles SCHREYVOGEL en 1899. Le porte-aigle vient de l'illustration de RIGO et le trompette est de Roger FORTHOFFER. C'est du 1/10, pièce unique. Cette échelle me permet de faire aussi les clous sous les bottes.

Good morning, Beginning of oil painting. Project carried out by Louis-Michel MARTINEZ, based on the painting "My BUCKIE" by Charles SCHREYVOGEL in 1899. The eagle holder comes from the illustration by RIGO and the trumpet is by Roger FORTHOFFER. It's 1/10, unique piece. This scale allows me to also make the nails under the boots.
A+ Serge

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Bonjour. Photos du projet au départ. Good morning. Photos of the project at the start. A+ Serge
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Des photos sur d'autres cavaliers se trouvent sur le site des Chevaliers du Centaure à cette adresse :
Quatre articles sur la réalisation de ces cavaliers au 1/10, qui ont été édités dans des revues du BRIQUET, se trouvent sur le site des Chevaliers du Centaure à cette adresse :
Un dossier sur la réalisation d'un Garde d'Honneur sur le site de Figurine-TV se trouve à cette adresse :
A+ Serge
Good morning,
Photos of other riders can be found on the Knights of the Centaur website at this address:
Four articles on the creation of these riders at 1/10, which were published in BRIQUET magazines, can be found on the Chevaliers du Centaure website at this address:
A file on the creation of a Guard of Honor on the Figurine-TV website can be found at this address:
A+ Serge