Chief 2009 Online Competition


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A Fixture
Aug 20, 2003
US, Oklahoma
Good afternoon dear friends and dear colleagues of PlanetFigure!

Again this year we are glad to invite all of the interested members to participate in the on-line competition-exhibition "CHIEF 2009"!

This year we have united again for our competition two sites "planetFigure" and "ModelSculpt".

Also we wish to thank the administration "planetFigure" for the consent in participation as co-host of the competition

Also we are happy to inform you in the selection and participation as a judge, our friend and expert, Guy Herrick.

The judges for the “Chief 2008 Competition” are as follows:

Victor Konnov
Andrey Bleskin
Sergey Lupanov
Guy Herrick
Yury Serebryakov

On this competition all can send the photos of figures for participation to Guy Herrick or Eugene Bogomolny (Genius).

Guy Herrick [email protected]
Eugene Bogomolny [email protected]

ALL photos of participants will be duplicated in parallel on two sites (PF and MS). All members can discuss and speak their opinion also on two sites. And at closing of competition all of us can vote for their favorite figure.

We accept all the sizes of figures in competition - from 28 mm to 120 mm and busts.
One vote from us as members, and one vote from judges combined in each nomination.

Time span of competition:
From November, 14th, till January, 20th, 2009


The contest has following nomination categories:

1. Scratch built miniatures.
All miniatures sculpted by a modeller but not painted. Only sculpting will be judged.
2. Painting.
Miniatures produced by any manufacturer and painted by a modeller.
3. Scratch built and painting.
The miniature is sculpted and painted by the same person.
4. Conversion.
All miniatures which were heavily converted (at least 50 %). To be able to judge the degree of the conversion, the jury needs photos of the initial model.
5. Professionals.
This category is divided into 3 sub-categories:
* Scratch built
* Painting
* Scratch built and painting

All miniatures will be divided into 4 main groups by scale:

1. 28-40 mm
2. 54-75 mm
3. 90-120 mm
4. Busts

It does not mean that the miniatures created in different scales will not be allowed to participate.

Photos of figures earlier shown on any forum and discussed are not accepted . Figures in any other competition / show are not accepted.

You also can look through project CHIEF 2007 and CHIEF 2008and get acquainted with each year’s competition.

Yours faithfully also we hope for your participation.

Administration of sites planetFigure and ModelSculpt.
hi guy,

I just noticed that the competition ended yesterday, yet entries are still being posted up.

Has the dealine been extended or is the timeline for america? (ie: is it still the 20th in the US right now?)

thanks in advance.