A Fixture
Title - "Christmas on the Somme, 1916"
Name - Tony Dawe
Category - Conversion
Size - 1/9th
-Replacing the soft field cap with a steel brodie helmet.
-Helmet has a hessian cover and chin strap added
-Head repositioned on an angle
-Ammunition pouches and canvas webbing straps sculpted to replace leather webbing
-AIF Colour patch added to upper arms above chevrons
Name - Tony Dawe
Category - Conversion
Size - 1/9th
-Replacing the soft field cap with a steel brodie helmet.
-Helmet has a hessian cover and chin strap added
-Head repositioned on an angle
-Ammunition pouches and canvas webbing straps sculpted to replace leather webbing
-AIF Colour patch added to upper arms above chevrons