WIP Coldstream Guard Pioneer - Hougomount 1815


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Jun 21, 2009
As i'm now in the last stages of the CGS Polish Lancer I normally like to overlap my projects so i'm continuously working on different pieces,for this next project i'm continuing with my true military love ' Waterloo ',this next offering will be a piece I picked up from Stuart Hale at last years Euro Militaire,its the Coldstream Guard Pioneer corporal bust dated 1815 at waterloo.
The bust itself is from Stuarts pedestal range and is sculpted by Stu himself.
As most people will be aware the Coldstream Guard units were positioned by wellington in and around the chateau of Hougomount and used to defend the chateau with other guard units.
Stuart has captured the menacing pose of the pioneer perfectly for me,large and powerful looking as the pioneers and engineers were in both wellingtons and napoleons army,an awesome and frightening site if you happened to be on the wrong side.
The pioneers were responsible for creating and securing the defences in and around Hougomount prior to the battle and also more importantly during the fighting as well,Hougomount received a lot of damage during the 18th june and the fighting in and around it became a battle in itself,if the allied forces had lost it then napoleon may well have been able to roll up wellingtons right flank completely leading to certain disaster.
The bust is completely cast in resin and comes in 7x parts including the pedestal,all the parts fit excellently with very minimal filling required as you'll see from the photos,the enginner is depicted wearing the foul weather shako cover which I think is a great touch from Stu as I believe most of the guards wore them during the terrible weather prior to the morning of the 18th.

Pedastal Pieces - PPST30
Pioneer Corporal - Coldstream Guard - Waterloo 1815
Sculpted by Stuart Hale


Nothing against the Coldstream Pioneer, which is a lovely bit of work, but it'd be good to see his counterpart on the French side — Sous Lieutenant Legros (l'enfonceur) — who nearly turned the tide on the defence of Hougoumont. One for the future?

Many thanks Jeff,yes definately one for the future
Continuing on I have added just a simple backdrop for this piece,i feel being a pioneer it needed just something simple related to a building,as the coldstream guard units fought in and around the chateau of hougomount at waterloo I thought the addition of a portion of brick wall would tie the piece in perfectly for me.
For this I just used sections of balsa and embossed brick / stone sheet from my local model shop and finished the back and sides plus the top with 0.30 black plastic card,i also added some larger stones on the corner with 0.60 thou white plastic card which was evident in all these early 19th century buildings.
it looks plain at present,but the paintwork I have in mind will tie it into the finished figure on completion.


Brian / Smudger