A bit of a break from Medievals....lots of red and white colonials...maybe it´s got something to do with having seen lots of people dressed in a similar fashion lately ...yo ho ho.
This lot are the start of a "colonial" army who are getting ready to put down an insurrection in the Chocolate producing Principality of Khandihar...
The mission has to be successfull, I mean..how will the ladies and gents back home get to sleep without thier mugs of hot chocolate in the evening ???
The army so far. The 9-Pdr I painted some time ago, but the rest in the last 3 days :-D Any historical similarity to any kilts pattern in existance is purely coincidental :-P The red jackets..?? They look good :-D
Gardner Gun from Hat
Gatling gun from Hat
9-Pdr from Hat Colonial artillery
Heliograph and Telescope that come with the Gatling gun set. I´ve based them seperately so they can be used as signallers or spotters for the artillery.
This lot are the start of a "colonial" army who are getting ready to put down an insurrection in the Chocolate producing Principality of Khandihar...
The mission has to be successfull, I mean..how will the ladies and gents back home get to sleep without thier mugs of hot chocolate in the evening ???
The army so far. The 9-Pdr I painted some time ago, but the rest in the last 3 days :-D Any historical similarity to any kilts pattern in existance is purely coincidental :-P The red jackets..?? They look good :-D