Color Mixing Recipes Website


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Active Member
Jan 27, 2011
Hi all,

I created a website where you can control what paints you have and where you can share your mixes with other users.

There are still some problems to solve and include all paints from manufacturer.

I hope it can be of your interest, and any correction is welcome.


In terms of the colour charts David, are you using the web-based charts as the starting point? These are pretty notorious for being way off in certain cases!

With mixes, I presume you hope to have people post their various A + B + C recipes which can then be cross-referenced in various ways?

Will there be any attempt to have it predict mixing outcomes at some point? I ask because this is really difficult at best (impossible in certain ways) so if you were planning on it you might want to reconsider.

Hi Einion,

yes, I use web chart that I found in oficial manufacturers websites, I know that this are not accurated, and my intention is create a website were user can orient. Only for refence.

Before start I made some search on create a real color mixing, but I understand that real pigments(colors) mixing is a very, very complex mathematical model, and I think an impossible problem.

My only intencion is that users share their color mixes, and anybody can find an aproximated color and know how can create.

Only for refence.

Collecting as many mixing recipes into a single location as possible that can be looked up easily will be very useful to people.

Before start I made some search on create a real color mixing, but I understand that real pigments(colors) mixing is a very, very complex mathematical model, and I think an impossible problem.
Yes, the Kubelka-Munk equations are very complex. Plus you need accurate spectrophotometer readings of the paint as a starting point - this is what makes it undoable for hobby paints, since you'd need to buy all of them and test every single one (as well as many mixtures).

WOOOW! This is really awesome web application system!! I love it! This is what I was waiting for!
Thanks to all. Many ideas in my brain to improve this.

We start to see first mixes, and greats mixings with Jo Sonja by kaz6120
Some improvements:

- Include new brands, Andrea, Tamiya Flat, Tamiya Gloss
- For register users, filter to search only in you collection.

More improvements working on!!!

Some improvements:

- Include new brands, Andrea, Tamiya Flat, Tamiya Gloss
- For register users, filter to search only in you collection.

More improvements working on!!!


Excellent! (y)

An idea, a user upload their own photo and with a colour picker select the closest brand paint number. :)
An idea, a user upload their own photo and with a colour picker select the closest brand paint number. :)
That relates to the thing I raised above - unfortunately this is not really doable since you'd need to start with accurate data on both ends.

I know of two or three existing utilities that claim to provide this service, or other kinds of colour matching (e.g. closest paint from brand X to this colour from brand Y), but they don't work as advertised.

Hi all.

After some times with no update I made some changes to

Now is easy to share on facebook, with like button.

Ans is easy to share colors on forums with html and bbcode.

Like this:

Hi David, great Idea..........can I point out that on the opening page top right you have two greens making a Red.......clearly something missing here.
Thanks for the link and I am sure that I will visit often, colour mixing for me is a mystical art:rolleyes:
