Hi to all pF Freindly types,
points of clarifaction and idea checking.
Colour theory; using a clour wheel, a smarter way to shade some colurs such as Red, would be to add some green (complementary colour) to the base red for a dark shade, and some orange for the highlights. Is my thinking in the right direction? Are primary colours really that much of challenge to do?(honest ignorance asking)
Trophy bases seem to be a favourite for basing our hard work figures, both to display and stop the poor things toppling over. The local trophy shop has a (small) selection of bases,usually with a hole for bolting on an award. nice idea if I only want to do my figure climbing out of the sewers, but for most, I had the thought of getting a wooden plug of some kind, glueing it in, and adding the ground work from there (mounting figure, terain, etc) Any better ideas from the ocean of experience?
And I might be needing to send a figure though the post. The figure is of aRoman Centurion, Pegaso 75mm white metal, so quite heavy.
The idea is, that once completed, coated with a matt varnish, to wrap the mounted figure in a very soft cloth, then place in a wooden box,braced to match the dimensions of the figure with balsa struts. Either that, or cut to custom size and shape foam, like one would see for those rifle cases (too many sniper movies, sigh)
Always open to new ideas, or other points of view.
cheers to all