Review Commanche Companion from Stormtroopers V12 Range


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi to everyone,

We all like to watch a movie I am sure and there are many with characters in them that could translate to a resin model ,Elan 13's "Can you hear me mother"comes to mind and of course there have been several pieces from the Pirates Of The Caribbean in which Johnny Depp played a rather comical pirate well he has done it again this time he is playing Tonto in The Lone Ranger released in mid 2013 .

The release we are looking at is inspired by Depps character in the film , Stormtroopers have called it Comanche Companion to avoid any problems with copy.

28th kev 006.jpg

The film was not popular with the critics who slated it as comical at times , however everyone is entitled to their opinions .ttt.jpgLONE RANGER.jpg

Depp is playing to the audience in the film in the same style as in Pirates ...quite funny at times ..for me he is the ideal actor for this role .

In the film Depp plays a crow headdress wearing Tonto telling the story of how the Lone ranger became the the epitomy of the upholder of the law , also in the film is a brothel owner with an ivory leg hiding a shotgun played by one of my favourite actress ..Helena Bonham Carter ....a perfect role for her (remember her as the Innkeepers wife in the epic Les Miserables).

Here are some more to get you in the mood (don't forget the popcorn) and for when this appears on your bench
TONTO 2.jpg
TONTO 3.jpg
TONTO 5 jpg.jpg
The Lone Ranger 2013 movie.jpg
TONTO 1.jpg
TONTO 7 jpg.jpg
TONTO 6 jpg.jpg
TONTO 4 jpg.jpg

There is even some really cool playmobil characters to get as well ....

There are of course many good references for the real life Indian tribes amongst them the Osprey series:


Continued in next post:

Lets have a look at our goodies :

Details of the release:

Title: Comanche Companion

Reference: V12/10

Material: Resin

No of pieces: 2

Sculptor: Carl Reid

Box Art: Iquazzu

Casting : Stuart Hale

As before the contents were kept safe in a strong white cardboard box with on opening we find not popcorn but 2 pieces of Resin held safely within a bubblewrap envelope , in addition we have a insert with a couple of stills from the film as reference and of course we have the box art from a PF member
28th kev 006.jpg28th  kev 007.jpg28th kev 024.jpg
Having met Carl Reid at Euro I feel that he really enjoyed sculpting this piece ..its fun and Carls character seems to come out in the sculpt .

Consiting of 2 pieces the main torso plus a bird (crow) , prep is the same as with others the simple removal of small casting remnants at the top and bottom of the casting and a again very feint line ,there was a slight bit of flashing on the right side where the hair meets the face to nip out but easy to do with no problems , the crow has 2 small casting bits to take off from the wings ...all of the remnants are positioned well which shows Stu's thoughtfulness when casting .
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Our hero is dressed as in the film , he has long straggly hair , hanging unkept down over his shoulders , nice detail on the hair , around his forehead he wears a bandana type scarf over which the hair hangs naturally .

The face is IMO a really good likeness of the actor , good depiction of features looking to the left , eyes are well sculpted , you can really go to town on this face with all the information in pictures and of course you have the great box art as well to look at .
28th kev 039.jpg

Tonto wears a chest protector , again finely detailed , at the bottom we have the trousers , only a little are shown being held up by a belt , blousing slightly as they should .
28th kev 044.jpg
Looking at the bird he has perched on his head ....again totally in keeping with teh film protrayal , fit is spot onto the head , the bird looks like a type of crow and is in full flight wings spread , tail back head forward , feathers are well done ..a good vahnce to get the mind thinking about painting this dark coloured bird .
28th kev 045.jpg28th kev 046.jpg
Final thoughts:

Again Stormtroopers have given us a QUALITY piece , well sculpted and cast , full of fun both I am sure in the intial production and also in the release will I am sure enjoy painting this one , no one can say the colours are wrong ...just enjoy the painting ....and it will certainly be a talking point in the display cabinet .

The V12 range is IMO a lovely well thought out series and I hope we will see more from this in the future

For more Information and to get yourself one go to the website :

Lets have some more views of the box art:


Thanks for looking in ..enjoy the modelling

Hi Guys ,


Thanks for the details , really like the picture , if the bird is flying behind him then this bust could be easily converted to without it .

Marc ,
Thanks for the comment glad you liked it ...neither did I realise it was from a movie ..don't remember the release onto the silver screen.....obviously not well received !!!!

Keith ,

Good to hear from you mate , glad you enjoyed the review ...go on get yourself one would be a great paint ...........over to you

Hi Guys ,

Can I suggest you google Kirby Sattler ...AMAZING work ...opens up no end of possibilities for the bust is one with the crow actually on the head called "I am Crow" ....


Great review as always Kev. I saw the movie a couple of weeks ago and despite what a few critics say I think it was a really good movie. Johnny Depp plays the part well, a bit like a sensible captain sparrow. The bust looks great. I would love to know how someone would tackle the cracking of the white paint on the face.