Commando comic books


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Rich Sculpts

A Fixture
Jun 9, 2012
Anyone have memories of reading these as a kid?

The artwork of the covers were gung-ho and today not so "politically correct", but back in the day they were a great read! Below a couple of images of cover art - one of gas propelled Nazi's and one that I...

...leave to your imagination :eek:



;) Rich
Wasn't the other one called "Combat" or "Battle?" I couldn't get them in Canada so I used to stock up on our annual trips to the UK to see the family. I got a big box of 250 issues for my son on eBay a few years ago for a very good price. Some of the prices people want for back issues are crazy.
"Gott in Himmel!" :eek: :eek:

Fond memories indeed!! Between the ages of about 9 and 14, I used to spend a fair proportion of my pocket money on Commando books. Also on 'War Picture Library' and 'Battle Picture Library' books, but to much a lesser extent because I was a bit of a Commando "brand loyalist".

That also involved spending hours combing market stalls and second-hand mag stores in search of older issued with the "old money prices" on the covers. At one point (when I was about 11/12) it became a bit of an obsession. I still have a large box full of them up in my mother's loft and earlier in the year while up there rooting around for something else, I retrieved about a dozen of them for a nostalgic re-read. And yes some of them are very politically incorrect, but so what - that all just adds to their period charm!

As far as I'm aware they are still going and in more recent years they started dealing with other conflicts besides WW2.

Anyhow, here's a few more covers:

- Steve

110 - Dog Fight.jpg118 - The Executioners.jpg126 - Duel In The Jungle.jpg131 - Doom River.jpg305 - Bogus Yanks.jpg311- Legion Of The Lost.jpg376 - Locomotion Jones.jpg524 - The Night The Tow Rope Broke.jpg640 - Whirlwind.JPG775 - Island Of Fear.JPG859 - Codeword Torch.JPG939 - Flying Phantom.JPG974 - Three...Two...One...Zero.JPG978 - Riders Of Terror.JPG1001 - Gun The Man Down.JPG1068 - Frame Up.JPG1083 - Common Foe.JPG
I read them as a lad, my son took to collecting them a couple of years ago - brilliant stuff! reminds me of summer holidays and light nights reading in bed! The inspiration for many a model and figure came from these!

There is a guy at our club who collects the original artworks - they are amazing and, apparently not expensive to buy!!(y)
Hi Guys,

Do I remember these you bet , Battle comic as well ...also remember a story in a comic called Charley of Charley's war ..a WW1 adventure.

Victor comic as well .....

As for The Big Snatch .......Mmmmmmm hope that book was under your bed !

Oh memories

Hi Guys,

Do I remember these you bet , Battle comic as well ...also remember a story in a comic called Charley of Charley's war ..a WW1 adventure.

Victor comic as well .....
Charleys war, though published in "battle", was noticeably different. Far grittier and more concerned with the general misery and unpleasantness of war on the western front. It ran to several volumes in the end (seven I think) and is well worth a read. Though, as I say, is markedly different to what you might expect.
As for The Big Snatch .......Mmmmmmm hope that book was under your bed !

Oh memories

Wasn't the other one called "Combat" or "Battle?" I couldn't get them in Canada so I used to stock up on our annual trips to the UK to see the family. I got a big box of 250 issues for my son on eBay a few years ago for a very good price. Some of the prices people want for back issues are crazy.

Colin, in the UK there was "War Picture Library" ....

... and it's "sister" series "Battle Picture Library" ....

Both of these were similar to the Commando comic books (their main rival) in terms of layout, story length and content, but were physically slightly smaller in size.

We also had two popular war comics in the shape of "Victor" ... comic&biw=1536&bih=755&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0CCUQsARqFQoTCOHjy6-4rsgCFYTrFAodFkYEPg&dpr=1.25

... and "Warlord" ....

... but I think the "Combat" title you refer to was probably the U.S. comic that was called "G.I. Combat".


At least I don't recall any U.K. comic called "Combat".

Good news for some of you

WH Smiths still sell them.

They are about £2.00 each now believe.

Also in the clearance book shops there are chunky board bound
'Collections' containing 'ten of the very best'
available for a couple of pounds. I bought a selection as
prezzies for friends last xmas and there was smiles all round.

Keep your eyes peeled

Happy memories indeed. I used to read "Victor" and "Warlord" and sometimes Commando before graduating to the novels of Sven Hassell and Leo Kessler... Though Napoleonic War books were starting to creep into my sphere of interest starting with the novel of the film which I read about the time I got my Raleigh Chopper bicycle. My interests evolved early on and I'm still the same basic depraved reprobate I'm proud to say!