Review Crossbowman from Legion Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone

Following o from Andrey's announcement here: of this release in the "New school/Best school" series


A little bit of background on crossbowman and then some reference pics and books as always

Crossbows played a significant role in the warfare of Medieval Europe and East Asia. The first crossbows were invented in ancient China and cause a major shift in projectile weaponry’s role. Unlike the bow, which required considerable training, physical strength, and expertise, the crossbow was simple to use, cheap to make, and physically undemanding

A medieval crossbowman would use his bow often behind a pavise. A hook on the end of a strap on his belt engages the bowstring. Holding the crossbow down by putting his foot through the stirrup, he draws the bow by straightening his legs.

From the mid 12th century horn bows were used, copied from the bows of Asia, this type of bow was made from a wooden core to which the back was attached a thick layer of sinews held together by fish glue, but generally lacking the horn on the belly, see Josef Alm. Goats horns and some ox horns were used in the lands of the Teutonic knights in the 14th century for the cores of composite bows.




Excellent site to look at for mass of details on all aspects

Crossbowmen was in danger of enemy missiles, and so often a shields or Pavise was used. This were large enough for the crossbowmen to shelter behind, then to emerge from behind to shoot. As well as being used in large battles, they also allowed crossbowmen to attempt to approach fortifications that were under siege.

Pavise were often very highly decorated as you can see in the references



Some good reference books for you


Details of the release:

Title: Crossbowman ( in the Old School Best School series )

Reference: LMA90-015

Scale: 90mm

No of pieces: 19

Material: Medium Gray resin

Sculptor: A BLESKIN

Casting: In house

Box Art: N/A on the review box

As usual with Legion parts were in a laser cuts box with pictures in this case of the unpainted piece version

Parts were well packed with pieces in bags and between the foam layers top and bottom

Legion Crossbowman 001.jpgLegion Crossbowman 002.jpg

Legion Crossbowman 003.jpg

Parts consist of Upper Torso , legs , 2 arms, head , pavise , sword , dagger, crossbow, , 2 pieces of mechanism, 3 straps , quiver , bolts for quiver , base , 2 tree stumps


Legion do consider the modeller wanting very little prep , and that's what we have here , consisting of removing excess resin under feet , fit arms and torso plus head , fit remaining pieces after removing easily located cast pots

Continued in next post

On to the actual resin

Starting with the figure itself consisting of 5 parts with all fitting well together and minimal filling needed

Upper torso

Sculpted wearing a front armoured breast plate held in place by straps a the rear which are secured on the shoulders the ends slightly raised up , nicely pulling into the padded and studded jerkin , this is high collared and held in place by a small strap .
Around the waist a sword belt showing nice buckle details , running over the shoulder is another strap this is the one for the pavise
The armour is "v" shaped and styled upwards , good definition ...I wonder how he obtained this battle no doubt as he isnt well protected anywhere else
Good cutouts for locating the arms

Legion Crossbowman 004.jpgLegion Crossbowman 006.jpg

Legion Crossbowman 007.jpgLegion Crossbowman 005.jpg


These are cast as one a lots of details everywhere , powerful legs the left being forward steadying him when firing , wearing high strapped boots , as with previous pieces from the sculptor good work on these area's , folds and creases and buckles all look good , on the left inside boot a tiny piece of resin that will need to be removed by sanding

The left leg is sectioned into lengths but the right only with side seams

At the waist the lower part of the padded jerkin is sculpted , the edges are nicely scalloped shaped with a edging , straps are all over matching with swords and quiver, mechanism etc

At the upper part a large cutout to take the torso

Legion Crossbowman 012.jpgLegion Crossbowman 014.jpgLegion Crossbowman 015.jpgLegion Crossbowman 013.jpg

Legion Crossbowman 017.jpgLegion Crossbowman 018.jpg Legion Crossbowman 016.jpg


These are easy to fit into place which shows the firing position just prior to releasing teh actual bolt

The upper arms have the same shaping and studded jerkin , under this the sleeve are padded again ....he might no have that much armour but he is well clothed

The hand ( only the right has it sculpted into place ) are well shaped with good finger work

Legion Crossbowman 019.jpgLegion Crossbowman 020.jpg

Legion Crossbowman 021.jpg


Wearing a "Kettle" style helmet which is firmly strapped into placed under his chin , very good casting on this , nice edging and rosettes around the helmet , the crown of the helmet is sectioned

Under the helmet he wears a cap , held into place again by the strap

Facial features are with the mouth shut , nice nose definition , the eyes are slightly different size , looking under the optivisor but not that noticeable without

Fit to torso is easy with a good large post , slight sanding might be needed ...dryfit first

Legion Crossbowman 008.jpg Legion Crossbowman 010.jpg

Legion Crossbowman 011.jpgLegion Crossbowman 009.jpg

Continued in next post

The reminder of the pieces now

Crossbow/Mechanism/Quiver/Straps/Sword and Dagger

The actual bow is a gem of a sculpt with all the details in place it should be , the under trigger has a tiny piece of resin to remove with a bit of flashing on the bow itself

The bow is loaded with a bolt which is a good idea , no issues with the casting , the string is fully extended back , the foot hold at the front is well shaped

On the underneath the sculptor has added the actual hand onto the stock ...great idea as this make sfitting much easier

The mechanism consists of a ratchet pull with a separate handle which needs to be fitted into place ...the bow was spanned by turning this handle whilst pushing down into foot hold

The quiver is one of many versions including fur covered which is what we have been given (there also being metal versions ) , the fur texture is good and well defined , the upper part of the quiver is open ready to take the cast 4 bolts section ...must say all credit to the caster for these

Straps all are easy to fit into place as seen

The sword is in the scabbard which is slightly decorated , easy fit to the torso , the handle is wrapped around with a pommel at the top , the dagger is the proverbial "bollock" version , in the scabbard , this fits onto the right side of the figure, again good shape with a unfilled smaller scabbard on the front edge

Legion Crossbowman 025.jpgLegion Crossbowman 024.jpgLegion Crossbowman 023.jpgLegion Crossbowman 026.jpg

Legion Crossbowman 027.jpgLegion Crossbowman 028.jpg

Legion Crossbowman 029.jpgLegion Crossbowman 022.jpg


The largest piece that fits to the figure with ease shaped well with the distinctive central section , there are 2 locating post to fit to rear of figure ...dry fit is recommended

Good edging all the way , the actual pavise is undamaged in respect of cuts and knocks and is perfectly smooth making it ideal to put the design of your choice on ....making your version distinctive

Legion Crossbowman 030.jpgLegion Crossbowman 031.jpg


The base is textured with location areas for both the feet and the stumps , underneath there are resin casting excess to remove, the stumps are also textured suitably , some might choose not to use the base or incorporate with a larger piece of groundwork

For me sometimes bases seem to be a bit of a afterthought , almost quickly done , this applies to most releases IMO

Legion Crossbowman 032.jpgLegion Crossbowman 033.jpg

Legion Crossbowman 035.jpgLegion Crossbowman 034.jpg

Final Thoughts

A good release well detailed but what really makes it for painters is the blank canvas for the pavise , plenty of options available to choose from

Good overall casting and sculpting and a good display piece


Lets have some unpainted pics from Legion



and a painted version



Legion are members here ( user ID Andrey )

13002.jpg you can order direct from him here on PF or via the website which is:

They also have a FB page:

Thanks to Legion for the review item and to you all for looking in

Happy benchtime

Excellent review Kev, with some useful reference. This will be popular I think, especially with the artists, who will do something special with the pavise.

Good stuff and interesting subject!

Did the Normans acquire the crossbow after 1066?
Using mercenaries? Some histories suggest from geographical Italy.
Use of bows at Hastings suggest "the eyes had it" ! Harold.
Crossbow or Longbow!?

Ref Bayeaux Tapestry anyone .. Somewhere in my Library.

Series 77 Landsnecht 135mm by Pat Bird?!
Family ancestry suggests that a surname JEREMY goes back to the GERMII who were crossbowmen from Italy who arrived with the Normans through Jermy, Jermine, Jermyn, the finally Jeremy. There some arguments around this but not that may of either now. NOT to be confused with the christian names. Bear in mind that in Europe the letter J is unpronounceable. This I found out living in Jermany (?) where J eremy has a Yot!

Cue for a figure of a Crossbowman at the Battle of Hastings! Start with a BUST (Nap?) can always nether regions and;) add legs!