frank h
A Fixture
After years of searching I finaly managed to pick up
Kirin's bust of Custer on Ebay
This is a terrific bust sculpted by Mike Good (bonehead)
It is in my opinion the best representation of the man
I have ever seen
So a couple questions come to mind ...was his hair colour really
noticably blonde ?
I have also heard he had freckles is this so as it is not
clear in the photographs of the time
Any help on this is greatly appreciated
After years of searching I finaly managed to pick up
Kirin's bust of Custer on Ebay
This is a terrific bust sculpted by Mike Good (bonehead)
It is in my opinion the best representation of the man
I have ever seen
So a couple questions come to mind ...was his hair colour really
noticably blonde ?
I have also heard he had freckles is this so as it is not
clear in the photographs of the time
Any help on this is greatly appreciated