A Fixture
I m looking for the following items made by D.F. Grieve:
100mm Private 1st BN, the Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) Tel El Kebir 1842
100mm Sergeant The cameron Highlanders Waterloo 1815
100mm Private 1st Bn, Coldstream Guards ,Crimea 1854
100mm Private Grenadier Company, 1st Foot guards 1751

Please feel free to send a private message if you are willing to sell any of them.
Shipping will be for Greece.
Thank you in advance .
100mm Private 1st BN, the Black Watch (Royal Highlanders) Tel El Kebir 1842
100mm Sergeant The cameron Highlanders Waterloo 1815
100mm Private 1st Bn, Coldstream Guards ,Crimea 1854
100mm Private Grenadier Company, 1st Foot guards 1751

Please feel free to send a private message if you are willing to sell any of them.
Shipping will be for Greece.
Thank you in advance .