Review DDay Miniature Studio 1/35 WWI Belgian dog-drawn cart with crew


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Apr 15, 2012
Hendaye, Spain Border, " Pays Basque", France
An uncommon subject in figurine, thanks to the dynamic brand DDAY
1/35° Resin, Sculptor : Pavel Krasicki
Dday Belgian army (1).JPG

WWI Belgian dog-drawn cart with crew
Not a lot of Belgian WWI figures offered to collectors, except this one, only the Fusilier (now OOP) and Metal Modeles with a Carabinier and a Guide treated this subject yet very interesting!
Attention, I remind you that I am not a professional photographer and that my photos are not always up to the quality of the figurines.
I'm going to take photography lessons, and I asked Santa Claus for a new camera and a mini photo studio.
Books references :
Not a lot :
Verlag Militaria (Available in French, English, German and Dutch)
2 rather expensive volumes (99 € each) but almost indispensable,nl,bs,de,en,fr,hr,hu,

Osprey :
A superb booklet illustrated by P. Courcelle MMA452


The figure :
Dday Belgian army (3).JPG
Dday Belgian army (4).JPG
Dday Belgian army (5).JPG
Dday Belgian army (7).JPG
Dday Belgian army (10).JPG
Dday Belgian army (9).JPG
Dday Belgian army (11).JPG
Dday Belgian army (13).JPG
Dday Belgian army (15).JPG
Dday Belgian army (17).JPG
Dday Belgian army (16).JPG

Possible conversion, using a Maxim MG

My rating criteria:
- Choice of the subject 11/10
- Pose 9.5/10
- Sculpture 9/10
- Molding 9/10
- Packaging 10/10
So an Highly recommended figure !
Available directly from :
Casting a tad less crisp than we've come to expect from some other companies, a bit "flashy" in places and a few clunky sprue attachments, but nonetheless a very original subject and a welcome release.

- Steve
Looking at the pieces with the sprue, I wonder if they were printed using pressure or vacuum.
Dear Zastrow, many thanks for your review. And to all folks remember there is 1/35 scale and the pictures are sometimes even bigger than 1/9 figures :)
Pawel Krasicki

Looking at the pieces with the sprue, I wonder if they were printed using pressure or vacuum.
Dear Archimede, I sculpted the figures by hands in Miliput standard and the cart is scrachbuilt using polystyrene profiles and sheets. Then the figures were casted in polyurethane resin using vacuum pump.The moulds are made in silicone/rubber. I don't know a lot about casting process, as I am not a caster, I order casting!
Dear Pawell, you are really very good for your sculptures, they have movement and are well made. I thank you for the information I was looking for.
Dear Archimede, I sculpted the figures by hands in Miliput standard and the cart is scrachbuilt using polystyrene profiles and sheets. Then the figures were casted in polyurethane resin using vacuum pump.The moulds are made in silicone/rubber. I don't know a lot about casting process, as I am not a caster, I order casting!