Hi VK, nice work on this piece. If I may, the area below the bottom lip just above the chin is a little too red. That is meant only as an observation of personal taste.
Hello Ron, interesting that you flagged up the Red area as that was the first thing that struck me about the figure-having said that the Face generally and the Black are beautifully handled.
Hi VK,
I think you have done a very good job, your friend must be very pleased. The only suggestion I would make is that the base is too large and heavy and distracts from the bust, it would truly benefit from something slender and half the size.
Gaudin, thanks! Yes, he was, of course! This was the present for my old friend's birthday. I use this big piece of wood to prevent falling and broking down (oh, my English!). Probably you are right. I think that the base is too mottled.