Diorama Materials


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Figure Mad

A Fixture
Nov 9, 2004
Hi Guys

Can anybody help, I am on the look out for any websites/manufacturers who produce good quality diorama materials, Leaves, grasses, trees, all sorts of materials, preferably in the UK, but not essential.

I particularly liked the leaves and tree in Pepe Gallardo’s Civil War Dio, I know he probably made the tree himself, but its the leaves and forest floor stuff that amazes me.

Thanks for you help in advance

Just scroll up a little and click on the link on the right.......Military Miniatures warehouse. John has the best selection on the www.
Dave -

Two words for you... Hudson & Allen (well, that is techinically 3 words, I guess)...

Check out their maple and oak leaves. They come in a 4X5 card and you can punch them out easliy. The really neat thing about these is that you can lightly airbrush different colors on them before you punch them out. Also, they glue easily to make trees and bushes.

Yes. I really like H&A products. Their snow mixed with microballoons make great snow effects. Their C and K rat boxes are top notch too!


In the UK try the Hobbycraft stores. They have a good range of stuff and if memory serves me right they stock Hudson and Allen. They definetly stock Woodland Scenics.


There are several stores down your way.

All the best

Ross :)
Dave, the Basildon branch of Hobbycraft is massive. Didn't know they stocked this though, will have to have a look (if I can stand that dreadful Chrsitmas muzak they insist on playing!)
Okay, I'm gonna come off as a broken record but, John at Military Miniatures Warehouse - hands down! John also just started carrying a line of photo etched paper leaves from Poland PLUS MODELS that look fantastic! I already have an order in for each of the varieties available. John also carries the most diorama/scenic supplies I've found to date on the web. And the service! Incredible.
Ric :lol:
Hi Guys

Thank you all for your replies, I will try to look at all of them as soon as possible, but I think the Hobbycraft is the first one, if no go then the websites will be hit by my credit card after christmas

Thanks again guys

Dave. Mickc22 is selling a very similar product to the H&A leaves - well, identical. Check his thread
Hello Dave,

I also recommend the Plus models leaves: I just received my order from Gino of Figure-Royal and they are really great!

They are rather expensive to cover an entire groundwork in them, but this wouldn't look that good anyway. Best would be to make a basic leaf-work with dried parsly or basil, or crushed real dried leaves (well, the parsley and basil is this also in fact...), and use some plus-models leaves here-there to give extra interest.

You can also use the seed-covers of birch-trees, but also best to mix them up with crushed material.

One extra note: don't forget to paint it! Many people don't because the colours are already close to the real thing, but this never looks convincing to my eye...

Hope this helps,
