PlanetFigure Supporter
It seems that the Muse has left me, hopefully only for the summer months. It's been 80-85 degrees around here for the last week or so which makes it real difficult for me to sit down with a paint brush. I've posted a photo of the last project that I have managed to finish in the last couple of weeks. It's a Shenandoah reb, a broken wheel from the Waterloo vignette by Andrea, & a squirrel from an Andrea mountain man, all painted in acrylics. I'm leaning toward calling it 'Squirrel, it's what's for dinner?'. Whenever I get around to putting them on a base with groundwork, I'll post another photo. In the meantime, I'll be lurking around the edges of the pF forums, occasionally adding inane comments as the occasion warrants throughout the summer. See y'all later.