Hi everyone
If you ask most in the hobby for the name of a french modeller then Eric Coulon's one will be right up there .....we are also lucky in that he is also a member of PF using Tazz as his name
The company supply many different manufacturers releases of all types but he also commissions releases as well using top sculptors amongst them Greg Girault
One of the commissions recently advised by Eric here on PF :
and also on social media was this :
As you can see its a Napoleonic Cavalry officer.......... so why did Eric commission this quite simply he lives near the house of the subjects daughter Aurore Dupin (1804 - 1876)
who later became famous writing under the pseudo name of George Sands who is in France the next best selling author next to Victor Hugo ....indeed in esteemed company.
Thank you to fellow PF member Zastrow Cuirassier for this information which I have slightly reworded for the review
Born in 1778
Maurice Dupin's grandfather was Maurice de Saxe, the famous marshal.
He was captain of the 1st regiment of Hussars since 30 Frimaire year 14 (December 21, 1805)
Awarded Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, March 14, 1806.
Fought at the battle of Eylau on 7 and 8 February 1807.
During the horrific winter of 1807 he suffered a frozen foot but somehow survives.
When a squadron leader on March 21, 1807, and was called to serve with Prince Joachim Murat, Grand Duke of Berg, as aide-de-camp
On April 4 he accompanies Murat who goes to the famous Tilsit raft conference on July 7, 1807, after the Battle of Friedland.
Returning to Italy with Murat and Napoleon in Venice in September and Milan in December 1807.
At the beginning of the year 1808, Murat was appointed lieutenant-general of the Emperor and received the command of an army that entered Spain. Maurice arrived at Bayonne on February 27, 1808, and in March he was in Madrid. He lives in the same palace as the Marshal of the Empire.
The population of Madrid rises May 2, 1808 and is violently repressed by Murat the next day. This is the beginning of the Spanish War of Independence.
Murat took possession of the throne of Naples by order of the Emperor and leaves Spain in July.
Maurice returns to France with his family to care for his son who was born blind arriving at Nohant at the end of August 1808.
On September 16, 1808, Maurice Dupin died accidentally as a result of a fall from a horse
If you ask most in the hobby for the name of a french modeller then Eric Coulon's one will be right up there .....we are also lucky in that he is also a member of PF using Tazz as his name
The man himself in action at a show:
In addition he also is involved in the french hobby scene as well as with the company
The company supply many different manufacturers releases of all types but he also commissions releases as well using top sculptors amongst them Greg Girault
One of the commissions recently advised by Eric here on PF :
and also on social media was this :
Maurice Dupin de Francueil

As you can see its a Napoleonic Cavalry officer.......... so why did Eric commission this quite simply he lives near the house of the subjects daughter Aurore Dupin (1804 - 1876)
The sculpt is based on this picture which is currently at the Chateau de Nohant

Thank you to fellow PF member Zastrow Cuirassier for this information which I have slightly reworded for the review
Born in 1778
Maurice Dupin's grandfather was Maurice de Saxe, the famous marshal.
He was captain of the 1st regiment of Hussars since 30 Frimaire year 14 (December 21, 1805)
Awarded Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, March 14, 1806.
Fought at the battle of Eylau on 7 and 8 February 1807.
During the horrific winter of 1807 he suffered a frozen foot but somehow survives.
When a squadron leader on March 21, 1807, and was called to serve with Prince Joachim Murat, Grand Duke of Berg, as aide-de-camp
On April 4 he accompanies Murat who goes to the famous Tilsit raft conference on July 7, 1807, after the Battle of Friedland.
Returning to Italy with Murat and Napoleon in Venice in September and Milan in December 1807.
At the beginning of the year 1808, Murat was appointed lieutenant-general of the Emperor and received the command of an army that entered Spain. Maurice arrived at Bayonne on February 27, 1808, and in March he was in Madrid. He lives in the same palace as the Marshal of the Empire.
The population of Madrid rises May 2, 1808 and is violently repressed by Murat the next day. This is the beginning of the Spanish War of Independence.
Murat took possession of the throne of Naples by order of the Emperor and leaves Spain in July.
Maurice returns to France with his family to care for his son who was born blind arriving at Nohant at the end of August 1808.
On September 16, 1808, Maurice Dupin died accidentally as a result of a fall from a horse

This miniature of Maurice circa 1807 is on ivory but the artist is unknown

Another image of Maurice

His Signature

Being a Napoleonic subject books are many here are a few I have:
Continued in next post