Early WWII German uniforms


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Hugo Luyten

New Member
May 26, 2006
Hi guys,

As I want to paint my first German uniforms, I've searched trough the diverse fora here, but with minor luck regarding my question. So that's why I've put it in a new thread.

I have some questions regarding the early German uniforms, more specific the ones from Dragon's Germania Regiment:
http://www.dragonmodelsltd.com/catalog/dml/new/6281/6281- a4poster.jpg

It seems that the uniforms of 1940 and previous years were more green and with a dark green collar than the fieldgray ones later on. But how about the uniforms of this figure set? They have the same colour for the collar. Is it possible these uniform came from another factory?
As I'm enjoying Vallejo paints I found 2 colours:
830 (German Field Grey WWII) and 920 (German uniform).
The latter one is indeed more green then the first one, but somehow my feeling tells me the Field Grey is the colour I have to use in combination with a mouse grey for the trousers.

I hope you can give me a helping hand on this matter.

Greetings and thanks in advance,
Hello Hugo.

Regarding the figures you want to paint,I would suggest to get some books about the Waffen SS. I read several times that,although they also used army items, their uniform was of a different shade of fieldgrey. I have seen colour photographs of SS jackets, and the fieldgrey has not this greenish/blue shade which you find in the Heer. It is more green/brown,sometimes greyish green/brown.
Now, I have seen B&W footages of the Germania, with no collar shields,like Ron Volstadt has depicted them. However, I noticed with this otherwise great illustrator,a tendency to give a sort of olivegreen shade to his fieldgrey.
In fact there were various shades of this colour, like you could find several shades of french "bleu horizon" ( a kind of greyishsky blue).
The uniform you described in your post, with the blue/green collar,was progressively discarded,like the coloured shields onthe helmet,and the white or bright colours used on collar, shoulder straps,and insignias,as they could be a help for an sniper. Economical motivations were also a reason.
If I had to paint these figures, I would try to make my own colour,by mixing ultra-marine blue with lemon yellow,plus a bit of black,and a tiny dose of vermilionred,to give this slight olive shade.
Ihope it will help.
Have a look at "Waffen SS" by Andrew Steven and Peter Amodio. Europa Militaria no 6

Regards .
Henri Schmitt Cambridge UK
German uniforms Germania

A little search on Internet gave me some details about the jacket of these figures: it is described as "SS pattern M 1936 field service uniform". Tome ,it looks like this jacket has retained some features found on the Reichswehr uniform. The fieldgrey would consequently be of a more greyish shade.
The Wehrmacht uniform,at least in the beginning, had a greener shade.
The painting indications I gave before are to be understood in oil colours. But it should alsp work in acrylics.
Hi Herni,

Thank you for your extended explanation about the uniforms. It gives me a very nice clue to start wit mixing paints.

I was first surprised that you mentioned the Waffen-SS, but after a better look at the belt buckle on the figures, I could distinguish the Eagle's wings above the circular design in the center.

I also have the Europa Militaria Nr.6 and I see what you mean.

To me the greyish fieldgrey will be the colour to go for.

Greetings and thanks again for this great information, it helped me a lot,
I've started with this pz. commander before heading on with the two infantrymen.
The figure comes out of the Tristar Pz.I kit, and I switched the head for a more detailed Hornet head. Painting was done with Vallejo.

I hope you like it.


Hi Hugo.
Nice job!
I like the black uniform and the face is beautiful.
I think you could improve it changing the earphones and laringophone cables.theylook a bit out of scale.
Anyway a great work.
Best regards
Hi Jaume,

Thank you for your reply and comment.

I must confess that I got my inspiration by careful studying your beautiful figures, and of course your book.

On the picture the cables look indeed out of scale, but I think as a result of the light for taking the picture, in reality they look more thinner. But I think it would be better to use 0.2mm instead of 0.3mm on a next figure for better scale thickness. The cables are attached with superglue to the figure and the chance is too big that I rip off the paint when trying to remove the cables.

Greetings and thanks again,

BTW: will we see you at Euromiliaire?

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