El Cid 90mm WIP


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A Fixture
Apr 20, 2006
Dear friends after an bust overdose i decided to take on something with hands and legs for a change. So i started this beautifull 90mm figure by Andrea Miniatures. Waiting to hear your thoughts and opinions.
Take care.


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Carl first of all sorry for the terrible pics. The chainmail is just the figures metal with only one wash of black oils in the torso part.This will be repeated quite a few times to get the desired tone. Thank you for commenting.
Thats a beautiful piece that i also want to paint ! I like your kick off, the reds rock , the face look nice , as the rest of painted parts. Waiting for the chain mail results as thats a big surface and will make the difference on the figure. I am pretty sure you will do it brilliant as always !

Waiting for more progress !

Hello Costa. I m glad you like it. The truth is that this one is much better in "flesh" than in the box art. Will wait to see your version as well. So seeing those awfull photos i decided to put my classic backround and take some new ones. So they are now edited.
The Reds look good as well as the face.

Have you burnished the Chain Mail? Are you going to stain the chain mail with oils or use a wash? What will you highlight the chain mail with?

I like the way you painted up the cape. Awesome deep red....great.
Face is wonderfull painted. And yes, i do like the chainmail allready even it is unfinished.

Steven the mail is first burnished and then washed with oils black then black with vandyke brown and the black with indigo blue. Not sure they are all required though :). I dont highlight them since the burnished metal does it for itself. If it turns to black you can always take some cotton pellets and wipe off the oil easily. If the figure has folds sculpted on the mail (which is a bit unrealistic), like this one you can use black acrylics for deep shadows covering the metal. Marc i m glad you like it and here is the mail treated.


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Dimitri you are a paint machine gun! Your work is awesome. You look so fresh and untired and that is a motive for me. Keep modelling my friend.
An officer of his rank would have had a squire to keep his kit pristine. It is reasonable to show 'rank and file' with tatty or rusty chainmail, but not high ranking knights, lords and princes.

A beautifully presented piece of work.

Best wishes,

Christara thank you for your comments. Always appreciate it. I hope after your years in the hobby i have the same apetite to paint! Glenn thank you for commenting. Micheal your comments makes sense, but came just after i ve finished weathering the mail and i ve got to admit i ve put some rust on it. I just want him to have a look after a bloodshed and although rust has nothing to do with that it gives a little something to the overall effect IMO.
Γεια Δημήτρη,
αλήθεια βάφης και τα μεσάνυχτα?χιχι,αλήθεια πότε προλαβαίνεις? είναι πραγματικα πολλή καλό το βαψιμο και το πρόσωπο είναι αρκετά αληθοφανείς και κάπα είναι υπέροχη, αντε περιμένουμε την ολοκλήρωση της.
Very good job jimie.

Ι am the Clansman
Freedom Freedom Freedom
Hi Dimitrios,
do you even sleep?:)))) yeah, another promising work which is gonna end with a masterpiece. As always the flesh tones are amazing, but here I like the shading of green, and the red cape, good idea to bring life to figure is the embriodery. Another inspiring work my friend, keep us posted.
best regards,
Hi Dimitrios,

I've just noticed this thread and seen your magnificent work on this figure. Excellent wotk on the red cape and I really like the burnished metal. Keep up thegood work mate.
Hi Dimitrios,

Very interesting character. The magnificent beginning of work on a figure. Gallant the maestro! Prompt please a raincoat you paint too with brushes? Or you use air brush?
Thanks for attention.
Guys thank you all for the nice comments and encouragement. Peter I wish I was that good with the airbrush and make my life alot easier but I m not. So I have to do everything with the brush.