Hey Gary,
Thanks!! But it really is ancient history for me. As in early Jurassic. However, for those wishing to do this kit I have to point out a glaring error.
When I first did these models for Poste Militaire, Ray Lamb could not restrain himself from making little modifications to suit his taste. In the case of this figure, the one noticeable change was to the Cossack riding crop or "knout". The way I had first sculpted it was correct. The knout is a flexible handle with a short length of "whip" that has a flattened bit at the end. The short whip end beyond the handle was no more than a foot to 18 inches in length (full size, not in scale).I believe the small end piece sometimes had a weight in it as well. In this fashion it could be compared to an American Indain "quirt".
Anyway, Ray Lamb took it upon himslef to transform the short Cossack knout into a long, thick bullwhip. This is completely bogus and without any foundation in reality. To be completely correct, the winding whip must be cut away and replaced with a drastically shorter and more realistic one.