A Fixture
Hi folks I hope you are all ironing
your best modelling pants ready for EME at
Folkestone next week.
Only a few more sleeps for us all.
Alan 'Old Taff' and I will have the display stand area ready for you for the show opening on Saturday Morning.
All you need to do is pick a spot for your figure(s), fill put a name card and enjoy the show, please do take the opportunity to hang about a bit and chat if we haven't met before.
Please do stop by for a natter to me at the stage area,
I won't have much of a chance to come looking for you
your best modelling pants ready for EME at
Folkestone next week.
Only a few more sleeps for us all.
Alan 'Old Taff' and I will have the display stand area ready for you for the show opening on Saturday Morning.
All you need to do is pick a spot for your figure(s), fill put a name card and enjoy the show, please do take the opportunity to hang about a bit and chat if we haven't met before.
Please do stop by for a natter to me at the stage area,
I won't have much of a chance to come looking for you