All the english Knights with Squires/Sergeant-at-arms required to cover the numbers needed, a grand total of 50. If they were represented 1:1, they would cover (based as they are) an area of 2.80 meters by 1 meter.
Some Scottish Knights who fought for the english are planned, Umfraville, Brechin and Comyn etcA couple of the new kniggits; from left to right, John Maltravers, Robert Boynton, Sir William Pennington and William de Ridre.

Strelets Sets used (along with a lot of conversions and alterations)
Army of Henry V
English Cavalry of Edward I
Medieval Britain
Army of Joan d'Arc
Russian Medieval Horsemen
Military Order Sergeants
Crusader Transport 1
Norman KnightsScottish Army of Robert Bruce
The Scottish Army of Wallace
Mamelukes (for the horses)
Knights represented, alphabetically by Sirname. (Edward II not included)
- Sir Giles de Argentine (Royal Bodyguard)
- Sir Robert Boynton
- Rodger de Clifford - 1st Baron de Clifford
- Thomas de Berkeley - 1st Baron Berkeley
- Gilbert de Clare - 8th Earl of Glouchester
- John Grey - 2nd Baron Grey (Lord Ordainer)
- Hugh Despenser - 1st and last Earl of Winchester, Chief Advisor to King Edward II
- John de Engaigne - Sheriff of Essex and of Hertford
- Sir Thomas Ercedekne -
- Robert Fitzwalter - 1st Baron Fitzwalter
- Thomas de Furnival - Lord Furnival
- William Latimer - 2nd Lord Latimer of Corby
- John Maltravers - 1st Baron Maltravers
- Edmund de Mauley - Lord of Ascot
- William Marshall - 1st Baron Marshall
- Rodger Mortimer - Baron of Chirk. Marcher Lord, (Royal Bodyguard)
- Sir Roger Northburgh - kings shield bearer and keeper of the Privy seal
- Sir William Pennington
- Sir William De Ridre
- Pain de Tiptoft - 1st Baron de Tibetot (Royal Bodyguard)
- Marmeduke de Tweng - 1st Baron Tweng
- Amer de Valence - 2nd Earl of Pembroke
- William de Vescy of Kildare - Retainer to Aymer de Valence
- Robert de Vere - 6th Earl of Oxford
- Aymer de la Zouch
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