As with the English archers set, the kit and the weapons are similar to the Irish, Scottish etc soldiery of the period, so again, the titel is a ? IMHO, They could have used the Titel, Medieval Men-At-Arms - 13th-14th Century equally as well.
Full PSR Review HERE
12 poses (not including the Streltsi bod) and so far, I´ve managed to bump it up to 14 with 2 conversions but more conversions are possible. least 4.
Close ups .
The spearman on the far right has a peg to attach a buckler to the left arm but I decided against it.
Obviously the "Flag" could be replaced with a spear, or in fact a spear with a printed flag instead of the chunky plastic pennon and I have a cunning idea for altering the trumpeter into a more combative role.
IMHO, this is an all round excellent set from Strelets, not only due to the Detail and that there´s virtually no Flash but there´s a Feeling of nostalgia as they have couple of figures that remind me of the 1/32nd Airfix Medieval soldier bods.
Infact, why didn´t Airfix release the 1/32nd set in 1/72nd scale!! ...and TBH, I wouldn´t mind if, along with the 1/72nd bods, Strelets released thier sets in 1/32nd as well. Now that would give me a damm good reason to make functioning 1/32nd scale trebuchets and ballistas!
This pair had thier shields swopped as the large round ones, while not improbable, just didn´t say English Men-at-Arms to me, so they got the Heater style ones instead.
This pair. The one on the far right lost the end of his halberd so it was replaced with a spear.
PS..The Airfix ACW Project is finished, as far as the bods, Terrain etc goes. I just Need to make a couple of "measuring devices" (Grapeshot /Cannister effect thingy) and game pics will appear shortly.
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Full PSR Review HERE
12 poses (not including the Streltsi bod) and so far, I´ve managed to bump it up to 14 with 2 conversions but more conversions are possible. least 4.
Close ups .
The spearman on the far right has a peg to attach a buckler to the left arm but I decided against it.
Obviously the "Flag" could be replaced with a spear, or in fact a spear with a printed flag instead of the chunky plastic pennon and I have a cunning idea for altering the trumpeter into a more combative role.
IMHO, this is an all round excellent set from Strelets, not only due to the Detail and that there´s virtually no Flash but there´s a Feeling of nostalgia as they have couple of figures that remind me of the 1/32nd Airfix Medieval soldier bods.

Infact, why didn´t Airfix release the 1/32nd set in 1/72nd scale!! ...and TBH, I wouldn´t mind if, along with the 1/72nd bods, Strelets released thier sets in 1/32nd as well. Now that would give me a damm good reason to make functioning 1/32nd scale trebuchets and ballistas!

This pair had thier shields swopped as the large round ones, while not improbable, just didn´t say English Men-at-Arms to me, so they got the Heater style ones instead.
This pair. The one on the far right lost the end of his halberd so it was replaced with a spear.
PS..The Airfix ACW Project is finished, as far as the bods, Terrain etc goes. I just Need to make a couple of "measuring devices" (Grapeshot /Cannister effect thingy) and game pics will appear shortly.
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