Review "ENZO" from Galapagos Miniatures


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Staff member
Aug 7, 2006
Beautiful Bampton, Devon
Hi everyone,
Following on from the release announcement here:

A new line called Pathfinder from
Details of the release

Title: Enzo Silverback

Referenece: GP-B011


No of parts:9

Material: Gray Resin

Casting; In House

Box Art Version 1: Ju-Won Jung with graphics from Yeon-Min Jung


Box Art Version 2: Aleksandra Cvetanovski from Craftworld Studio


As with previous releases the parts were in a strong recyclable cardboard box all surrounded by thick foam layers, the smaller parts being held in a small clear bag

Also included is a scene setting insert with dialogue on one side the other having a lined drawing of the concept

Parts consist main torso , right arm , right hand , left shoulder armour, a small piece that fits below chin, weapon , cigar end and a shaped base


As you see we have a rather veteran fighter of a silver back so here's a couple of pics to help painting the face area


Again nothing to worry about except removing casting excess from front lower of torso , one from elbow , shoulder armour ,top of weapon handle (in hand) , fit neck and weapon end and cigar into mouth ,slight flashing on weapon and a fine casting line underneath , if you choose to use the base you will need to remove the square excess and I suggest pin as well

All excess is easily removed with a sharp blade or razor saw along with sanding

Overall casting is very clean and very sharp with no air holes anywhere

Continued in next post

Onto our Pathfinder Silverback

The Torso

This has been sculpted with the head included ......a futuristic warrior , covered in armour and with 2 propulsion hubs on his back,details are very sharply done and the casting highlights this , we have smaller armoured plates at the back of the neck, and chest edges , on the front perhaps a breathing hub as well

The shoulders are cut spot on to take the right arm and left shoulder armour , cut outs being accurate

Looking at the facial area this is one mean silverback , lovely details on the face itself , good definition on the eyes and the nose , the mouth is slightly open to take his self respecting warrior should be without that !!!!

On the head top we again see a armoured area running back onto the lower head

Even by just looking at this part this is a painters piece can do whatever you wish to do with effects



Right arm and Hand

The arm is positioned bent at the elbow with the wrist having a cutout to take the hand the torso its covered in protection , almost cyborg in style , all areas showing good clean lines and perfectly formed shaping ,


Fit to the shoulder is really good with no filler needed , the same goes for the hand ( pinning is advised)

The hand is again covered in armour , each finger sectioned , gripping the weapon handle


Left Shoulder

Cut to just above to where the elbow would be , this is a blank canvas ...ideal to let your imagination go wild , same comments apply regarding casting quality and fit



No one is going to argue with Enzo with this weapon , a laser , explosive activated piece full of heavan knows what , wires everywhere , all well done ....again a opportunity to get plenty of effects/battle damage on it

Fit is easy with a cutout provided underneath to fit the handle into ....for safety I again suggest pinning it


Neck piece and weapon end has 2 similar protrusions , possibly for breathing or similar ....fitting under chin , looking good when in place

The weapon end has 4 petal like pieces coming out ...perhaps its a power pack for the weapon or maybe some lethal material


Base and cigar

As you see the base is tiered , if you use it pin it !!!, the cigar fits to the mouth easily .....I think some might replace this with some shaped modelling putty


Final Thoughts

As always with Galapagos we are treated to something different , high quality casting and presentation, this is a painters piece with many options available to the modeller and providing hours of enjoyment

You could also contact Ju Won by e mail

[email protected]

Why not visit the website:

Or by PM on this forum


Thanks to you all for looking in and thanks to Galapagos for the review piece

Happy modelling to you all
